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MSP430FR2355: It's back! "No USB FET was found"

Part Number: MSP430FR2355
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH


After weeks of no problem, being carful to always close the project before closing CCS, this error is back.

Has anyone figured out how to clear the hung drivers, or am I back to un-install and re-install CSS ?

The decade old bug that has yet to find a solution...

 - pete

  • Hey Pete,

    Sorry for the frustration.  I'm not familiar with any issue requiring a re-install of CCS.  I feel like the times in the past when I was having issues was usually when I was trying to use multiple programs to access the port. CCS/uniflash + serial terminal, ect.  For me, if it got really hung up, I'd just close all programs, unplug/replug the board, and then open CCS back up.  Usually that fixed it for me. 

    I guess this not the case for you?  What version of CCS are you using?  

    Hope you got it working.  Let me know what you are seeing and I can pass the feedback onto the CCS team.  We also have Theia based CCS now, which does have a small learning curve.  It's quickly growing in popularity, especially with new users.     



  •     The re-install was needed the last big hang up.  After I posted the question, I did a "unplug the USB" and then "reboot the PC" and things worked. I'll try just unplugging the MS FET device and see if that works.

       I was curious to see if the lower level drivers had changed, or if there was some way in CCS to "clear" the driver's belief that they were assigned to some other task.

      It _does_ seem to be important that you terminate a debugging session before closing CCS, which makes me think that there is some configuration link between the two. So in some regards, this is an "everything old is new again" with respect to the statement "Interlocks are good until they're Not".

      I'll make this as solved, and hopefully other having issues can read this and get thing going again. If a unplug and close all programs works, then that's just fine for when you close CCS and forget to close out the debug session (which is easy to do when it's the middle of the night and you're debugging something). Thank you for the reply. 

  •   Thank you for the reply. The last time it hung up, I had to re-load CCS. I've learned you have to close the debug session before you close CCS or the low level drivers will still think they are being used by some other program due to an interlock of some sort. After submitting the post, I tried just unplugging the USB and then re-booting the PC. That seemed to work.

    I was curious if anything had been done to the low level drivers or if there was a way in CCS when you get the "No USB FET was found" error that would re-set the drivers (clear the interlock). Another "everything old is new again" saying is "Interlocks are great until they are Not".

    I'll mark this as closed, and hope that indeed it is as simple as (1) unplug the USB (2) close CCS and re-launch (and of course, if you are debugging multiple things make sure something doesn't not accidentally own a give USB FET device). Hopefully others can read this when they have issues.

    Thanks again, and if you talk to the maintainers of CCS and USB FET drivers, suggest a way in the error message box to clear the ownership interlock. That would be a big win.

     - pete

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