MSP430F5529: MSP430F5529LP: How can I variables between two isolated programs and send them to the PC via UART

Part Number: MSP430F5529
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET


Hi Team,

While researching security isolation on MSP430F5529LP, I ran into the following issues:

I divided the overall memory area of MSP430F5529 into two parts: TCM and untrusted APP. Now I need to call the hook function in the APP to send the data in TCM RAM to the PC through UART. When I compiled the TCM and APP together into a whole file and burned it to the board for execution, the send function worked normally. However, when I first burned TCM to the board with CCS, and then called the security update function written by myself from TCM to send the APP from PC to the board for deployment through UART, and called the hook function in the APP to use the send function in TCM, the PC side did not receive any data.

What I want to ask is whether the MSP430f5529LP in my research environment can share variables between two isolated programs and can normally send shared variables after isolation?

Best Regards,


  • You can certainly set aside an area of flash and share the address. This will also be persistent. You can probably also set aside an area of RAM, too.

  • Hello,

    As Keith mentioned, you can set aside two separate regions of memory. For some additional information, you may find this thread helpful. 

    As for accessing/ sharing variables between programs, this should be fine, your other program just needs to know where to find the variable. There is probably an easier way of doing this but at the most basic level, you could just make sure that the secondary program has the memory location of the variable.

  • Thanks Keith and Dylan, 

    I will try to use your suggestions in my research. And

    In the case I described, I wanna know how can I debug my two isolated programs, I am new to MSP430. 

    Can you recommend some tools that fit my case and also tools' user's guide?

  • You would need to debug them separately. The debugger should be able to deal with whichever one is in control.

  • The Launchpad comes with an on-board eZ-FET for debugging and programming. For external debuggers, you could try the MSP-FET or the XDS-110. For both of those tools, you can find their users guide in their product pages on All 3 debuggers mentioned here will be usable for your application.

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