LP-MSPM0G3507: LP-MSPM0G3507

Part Number: LP-MSPM0G3507
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G3507


Hello I have configured the ADC at MSPM0G3507. I could sample the internal temperature sensor. I want to use the trigger mode Event Trigger and that the TIMG0 starts the ADC after every second and samples the internal temperature sensor. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do this. I could do this with the Trigger Mode software, but not with the Trigger Mode Event Trigger although I have changed Timer from Mode One-shot Down Counting to Periodic Down Counting? I used the demo project adc12_simultaneous_trigger_event_stop_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang, but it still didn't work.

Could you please tell me why?

  • Hi Ali, 

    This could be due to the settings that you are using to generate the event and subscribe the ADC conversion to the event. Have you ensured that you've enabled a timer event (such as the zero event, or overflow event), and enabled it to publish an event to one of the event channels? After that, have you made sure to subscribe the ADC to the correct channel? 

    If your example was working before using software event triggers, I would expect that your other ADC and Timer settings are fine, but it would be good to check that these settings are working as well.

    What may be the easiest way to troubleshoot is by looking at our examples. If you take a look inside our SDK, under the path:
    [SDK Install Path]\mspm0_sdk_2_00_01_00\examples\nortos\LP_MSPM0G3507\driverlib\adc12_triggered_by_timer_event

    This example sounds like it is doing the functionality you are trying to achieve.

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