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MSP430FR6047: Optimal method to wire three of these microcontrollers to a single JTAG header for programming purposes

Part Number: MSP430FR6047


Hello E2E Experts,

Good day.

 I am currently working on a project that involves utilizing multiple instances of the MSP430FR6047 microcontroller. I am seeking advice on the optimal method to wire three of these microcontrollers to a single JTAG header for programming purposes.

From my research, I understand that daisy chaining the devices is a potential solution, where all connections are parallel, and the TDI and TDO pins are wired serially between the chips. This setup would theoretically allow me to program any of the connected devices by selecting the appropriate TDI input. However, I am uncertain about the practical implementation and potential complications of this approach.

Could you please provide guidance on the following points:

  1. Is daisy chaining the recommended method for this scenario?
  2. Are there specific considerations or best practices I should follow when wiring the TDI and TDO pins serially?
  3. Would this configuration indeed enable selective programming based on the TDI input?
  4. Are there alternative methods to achieve this functionality that might be more efficient or reliable?

For reference, I have attached a wiring scheme that outlines my proposed setup.

I appreciate your assistance and look forward to your expert recommendations.



  • MSP430 does not support JTAG daisy chaining. Each target device must have dedicated connection to master device. You can modify open source slau320 example, where master will enable only one connection to target (with another two isolated). Also with FRAM SBW can be used, because it is fast enough with FRAM target(s), and in this case you need only 2 (TEST & RESET) x 3 = 6 lines for connecting all target devices.

  • Hi CSC,

    I assume there is no daisy chaining support for msp430 device.



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