MSP430FR6047: EVM430-FR6047 Max Gain on Copper

Part Number: MSP430FR6047



We are trying to run the CLIP ON on a copper pipe.
Also, the gain I have there is at the maximum (30.8) and the signal still reaches a maximum amplitude of approximately 400-550.
And this is after using the grease as you recommended and the precision of the stop as much as possible.
Is there a way to add the gain in the code so that we get a better signal?
Can you allow this?


  • Hi Ido,

    And this is after using the grease as you recommended and the precision of the stop as much as possible.

    Not sure what your meaning here. Maybe you can share the previous thread and it is helpful for me to understand the background.

    Is there a way to add the gain in the code so that we get a better signal?

    I assume the gain in the code is meaningless for getting better input signal.



  • So is there any way to increase the gain over than 30_8 ?

  • Hi Ido,

    And this is after using the grease as you recommended and the precision of the stop as much as possible.

    Could you share your previous thread here to let me quick check the background?

    I guess you are talking about uss application, which I am not familiar with the signal chain and gain.

    I could forward to the USS experts for your question, if you could give more detail clarifications on your signal and gain will be better.



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