MSP430F5438A: Device Descriptors Lot/Wafer ID

Part Number: MSP430F5438A


Dear support team

How can I decode the 4 Bytes Device Descriptors Lot/Wafer ID in 01A0Ah?

I mean, how is the contained information represented in these 32 Bits?

Kind regards

Alex Wyss

  • The Lot/Wafer ID is defined by TI to track the mass prodcution. You can contact with your Sales/FAE to check the information.

  • Dear Yuhao

    Please let me clarify my question.

    How do I get the LOT Number out of these 4 Bytes?

    How do I get the Wafer Number out of these 4 Bytes?

    For example, I have wafer number 18 from LOT C25591.

    What calculation do I have to do to come from these 4 Bytes to the C25591.18?

    Kind regards,


  • Sorry, this is not public information. That is why I let you contact with your sales/FAE.

    And there should be a corresponding relationship between real LOT/Wafer number and Lot/Wafer ID, but as I know it is not a formula.

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