MSP430FR2355: MPU and .persistent on MSP430FR2355

Part Number: MSP430FR2355



I'm working with FR2355 and using the #pragma PERSISTENT variables.

Everything worked fine with the default linker file.

After I modified the FRAM allocation:

instead of the deafult:

FRAM                    : origin = 0x8000, length = 0x7F80

I changed to:

FRAM                    : origin = 0x8002, length = 0x7F7E

the PERSISTENT variable is not writable any more.

In the map-file the variable is still correctly maped to the persistant block!

As far as I understood this is because of the memory segments, that are 1024bytes aligned.

I noticed in the map-file once I changed the start address of the FRAM, the persistant block is being shifted to the 0x8400 address by the linker.

So, my next thought was to implement the custom MPU configuration as in slaa628 (

This doesn't work however, because the registers like: MPUCTL0 are not defined (I'm using CCS12.7).

I also don't see the MPU wizard in my CCS as it's shown on Fig 6-4 (slaa628), I only see one option "Enable FRAM Write protection", nothing like segments.

Is this document outdated? Or is the MPU not supported for the FR2355 device?

What could be a solution to this problem?


Kind Regards,


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