MSP430FR5969-SP: Downloading code via BSL and then trying to use the UART

Part Number: MSP430FR5969-SP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET



I am having an issue with downloading my code using the BSL interface along with using the UART (UCA0) after the code has been dowloaded. I run my UART interface using the PUTTY tool.

I have successfully been able to use code composer to download code and use the UART (UCA0) without any issue, but once I try to use the BSL scripter tool instead of code composer I do not see anything working when invoking the UART.

Shown below is my current setup:

So I am running two different types of test with one working and one not working:

First Test:

- Download the code using code composer tool which will download the code over JTAG using the MSP-FET.

- Test out UART interface (P2.0 and P2.1 which is UCA0) by using PUTTY to send in a command and verify command works...

- This test works as expected.

Second Test:

- Download the code using the BSL scripter tool and modifying the examples that TI provides (shown below).

I am pretty sure this code downloads because I have an LED that will toggle when the code is run, so I am seeing that.

When I try and use the UART (UCA0) which is the same one used to download this code I do not see anything happen.

A few questions and notes:

1) I am running the BSL scripter at 9600 but my UART that is used in my code is setup to receive 115200. I also notice that the BSL UART is even parity and my UART is no parity. I tried to change the baud rate at the end of  the BSL script to no avail. Is there anything else I need to change and does this matter if I am running PUTTY as the same rate as the UART in my code?

2) I was told in an earlier E2E thread that I should be able to run the BSL interface and then use the UART as a general purpose UART after code is downloaded.

3) Do I need to add anything in the BSL script to enable the UART in my code?


  • Hi Matty13763 

    >>  I tried to change the baud rate at the end of  the BSL script to no avail. 

    May I know the detailed step you change the baud rate at the end of BSL script.

    I think you can setup the UART to 115200 and no parity on the user code which you download from BSL and you can reset the MCU to run the user code. Then the user code should run normally as the code download through MSP-FET.

    >> 2) I was told in an earlier E2E thread that I should be able to run the BSL interface and then use the UART as a general purpose UART after code is downloaded.

    Yes. I think so. could you please share this thread for my reference?

    >> 3) Do I need to add anything in the BSL script to enable the UART in my code?

    I think the process is

    1, download the code through ROM based BSL MSP430 FRAM Devices Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide (Rev. AB),

    2, reset MCU and run the user code 

    3, config the UART on user code and use UART in your (user) code


  • So I am able to get the code downloaded and if I power cycle, I will operate properly.

    The part that I am stuck on is to reset the MSP. Do you know how to do this?

    I looked online and tried to add @120 04 A5 at the end of the TI txt file but get an error - Flash write check failed.

    If you could provide me with a way to reset the MSP430 inside the BSL (software reset) that would be great!

    The earlier question that I asked about sharing the BSL and UART interface is titled "

    MSP430FR5969: Can BSL and UART/SPI Interface be shared.....sorry I do not see a reference #


  • Hi Matty,

    For msp430 BSL do not support software reset command. You can use the load PC command to make the device jump from BSL to application. To do it with the BSL scripter, you need to modify the command "SET_PC 0x4400" you can refer to application's map file to get the code entry address as below

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