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MSP430F249: MSP430F249

Part Number: MSP430F249



I am using the example code to enable UART msp430x24x_uscia1_uart_05_9600.c for MSP430F249

The example codes works fine when I run the code through IAR.

I can see the output with the character I enter in the Teraterm port (9600 baudrate). 

When I use the HEX Image and flash using FETPro Tool, Its not working. I mean the RX input is echoed to TX.

Please help to identify the issue.

  • Hi Swarna Latha

    May I know which HEX format you selected

    I select TI hex

    The HEX file content is different with yours


  • Hi ,

    The example code is build in IAR tool ( Linker settings to generate the hex file)

    Then used the FET-PRO Tool with the below settings 

    I also tried the LED example code, LED blinks once even though the code is in awhile loop. 

    // MSP430x2xx Demo - Software Toggle P1.0
    // Description; Toggle P1.0 by xor'ing P1.0 inside of a software loop.
    // ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO
    // MSP430x2xx
    // -----------------
    // /|\| XIN|-
    // | | |
    // --|RST XOUT|-
    // | |
    // | P1.0|-->LED
    // A. Dannenberg
    // Texas Instruments, Inc
    // January 2006
    // Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.40A

    #include "msp430.h"
    volatile unsigned int i;
    int main(void)

    P3DIR |= 0x01;  // Green LED
    P6DIR |= 0x01;  //RED LED

    while (1){

    volatile unsigned int i; // volatile to prevent optimization

    P3OUT ^= 0x01; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR

    P6OUT ^= 0x01;



    2. 32.768KHz  crystal is connected to XIN& XOUT of MCU MSP430F249. Without settings these the code exists ?? or why the LED blink is not happening. I see only once when I reprogram the hex image. 

  • Hi Swarna Latha

    Could you provide the link of the LED example code?

    I download and checked the example code of this device on

    But I haven't found this code


  • Hi,

    The issue is resolved after I configure the Crystal settings and reset the chip.

    Thanks all for you support and inputs.

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