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USS Center - Number of pulses

Part Number: EVM430-FR6043



I am working with the Ultrasonic Sensing Design Center (Gas Mode), and run into unexpected behavior of the software / Dev-board.
The default Image seems to work, but as soon as I try to change the settings, they do not match the settings requested for Update.

Did anyone else run into this problem?

Channel A with 1v / div on the Y axis. Displaying 24, 3.3v, pulses in 115 micro-seconds

Behavior After Flashing.
- Displaying Transducer channel A (No transducer connected)

The USS software displaying relevant settings being sent to the EVAL board. Showing a requested update of 24 pulses at 180 kHz

Settings Requested to Update

An other oscilloscope image with the same divisions as the last. But now displaying just one pulse instead of the requested 24

Behavior after Update (Just one excitation)

Image flashed:
- MSP430FR6043EVM_USS_Gas_Demo_EVM_v2_0_AFE3v3_02_30_00_01

USS Center Version:
- Ultrasonic Sensing Design Center version 02_40_00_00

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