MSP-EXP430F5529LP: Regarding designing of MSP-EXP430F5529LP

Part Number: MSP-EXP430F5529LP


Dear Sir,

We are thinking of using your above mentioned MSP controller for designing of our new design. I have few doubt regarding it, please help me in clarification of it. I have mentioned below my doubts:

1) Related to USB pin of MSP controller:

I am confused about this pin. This pin is used for what purpose? This pin is used for  external usb detection when external usb is connected?


2) Related to external JTAG interface:

I am confused about, I want to provide connection for external programmer to program our MSP-controller. Which pin i should used. Actually, in datasheet it is given information about 6 pin about JTAG interface. But through datasheet, I have found out 4 pin. Please, help me out is there any Hardware design document related to it.

3) Related to IC supply current:

There is nothing mentioned about operating current of IC i.e Icc. Can you please help me out to find out what is operating current of Ic.

Waiting for your reply,


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