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Dear Engineers,
I'm using a EVM board for MSP430FR6047 to use its build in USS module for measuring the water volume. In the USS mode I noticed there is an crystal (Ceramic Resonator) as follows for making high frequency around 80 MHz form a 8MHz clock by using PLL:
In the reference design it is mentioned that the part number that has been use for the Y3 in the EVM is "AWSCR-8.00CV-T", it the datasheet of this module I see that it is mentioned that this Ceramic Resonator has built-in load capacitors:
So, why do we need extra load capacitors in the schematic for Y3 based on he reference design in the EVM? as we can see in the picture we have these capacitors assembled on the PCB:
I noticed we I program the un-touched firmware from TI, then I get an error for HSPL as follows:
Would you please let me know if these extra capacitor could be the routes cause if the issue? and what is the reason that we have these capacitors in the reference design?
Regarding R15 (22 Ohm):
What is the reason of using R15(22 Ohm), do we need it at all? and why? based on the datasheet: it is mentioned a 1Mohm resistor should be used in parallel? right?
The build in cap is not enough for the MCU HFXT port to drive this resonator.
If you are seeing error code 24, it could related to the external cap. By default, it uses 12pF on the C7 and C8. You can try replace those with a higher cap value like 30pF.
About the 22Ohm resistor, I am not sure what role it plays in this circuit. I will check on it later.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Dear Cash,
Thank you very much for your update:
This is the signals that I see before the R11 and after R11:
This signal is very slow, do you think the ceramic resonator is not functioning well?
The signal seems very weak. Could you directly put the probe between USSXOUT and GND? It should get a better view of the signal this way.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
This signal does not look correct from my side. It seems that the resonator is not functionally. Do you test it on your board or you tested it on the Ti EVM board?
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Check for the status here.
You are testing on EVM430-FR6047 board. And you received error code 24 which is HSPLL unlocked under default EVM hardware. So, you check the HFXT related hardware.
Any test result after suggest you to replace the C7 and C8 to 30pF?
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Hello Cash,
Thank you very much for the reply. Yes, Finally I received my caps and I did changed it but still it is not working.
Frankly speaking I spent a lot of time on this issue, but still is is not working. Would you please let me know if I can return this board and get a working system instead? We are based in Belgium, maybe would you please connect me will a responsible person for this issue? In this way at least I am sure that I will a have a working hardware.
Do you buy the EVM board on the TI website. If so, you can try return or refunds in your order history.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Hello Cash,
I bought it from Mouser website, then how we can communication in way that I can also have your confirmation that the board is not working? then it will be clear for them that they need to replace it for me.
Best regards
I understand your situation. However, I found the return policy for EVM boards from TI side in this link.
I am not sure if Mouser has similar policy. So, from my point, we can focus on how to fix this issue on your board and make it work again.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Hi cash,
Thank you very much.
Ok, then would you please let me know what would be the next steps to fix the issue on the board?
Could you send a picture of your board first. We can check on the hardware first to see if there is anything wrong on the hardware.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
This picture shows the ceramic resonator area:
The board:
The whole setup:
Best regards
About the transducer connection, it looks like you only connect one pin of the transducer to the board.
You need to connect two pins to the board. The red line of the transducer should connect to CH0/1. The white line should connect to GND.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Hi Casho,
Thanks fir the comment.
The exact picture looks like this:
In fact the white wire is not involved in the connections, then I connect the red wire to signal and the shielding (black wire) to GND, so I think the connection of the sensor is fine. A question that came to my mind is the can this can sensor issues cause this problem? or it is purely related to HSPL?
In fact the issue is that the C program can not pass this code:
And it fact the code is locked in this line.
The transducer connection should not related to the the HSPLL issue. I just checked the hardware and find what looks abnormal from my side.
Which demo code you are using? Have you ever change the default parameters in the demo project and cause this issue?
Best regards,
Cash Hao
I use the following code:
Regarding this question "Have you ever change the default parameters in the demo project and cause this issue?", no I have not changed it yet.
Okay. So, in default project. You can find this parameter USS_HSPLL_TOLERANCE_PERCENT in USS_userConfig.h.
You can modify it to 10 and download the project to the EVM board. And check if it can stop reporting this error.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Emm, could you also change the USS_DIAGNOSTIC_MODE to USS_diagnostics_mode_0 in the USS_userConfig.h.
Could you also send your USS_userConfig.h file here? So, after you download the project to EVM board. When you connecting USS GUI, you do not use update parameters function on the GUI, right?
Best regards,
Cash Hao
I just test it, but still we have the HSPL error. Please see the requested file:
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TI shall not be in breach of this Agreement and shall not be liable for any non-performance or delay in performance if such non-performance or delay is due to a force majeure event or other circumstances beyond TI's reasonable control. * ***13. Entire Agreement. This is the entire agreement between you and TI and this Agreement supersedes any prior agreement between the parties related to the subject matter of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any signed and effective software license agreement relating to the subject matter hereof and stating expressly that such agreement shall control regardless of any subsequent click-wrap, shrink-wrap or web-wrap, shall supersede the terms of this Agreement. No amendment or modification of this Agreement will be effective unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of TI. You hereby warrant and represent that you have obtained all authorizations and other applicable consents required empowering you to enter into this Agreement. * * * * --/COPYRIGHT--*/ #ifndef _USERCONFIG_H_ #define _USERCONFIG_H_ //############################################################################# // //! \file ussSwLib_userConfig.h //! //! \brief USS SW Library configuration file //! // // Group: MSP // Target Device: MSP430FR604x // // (C) Copyright 2019, Texas Instruments, Inc. //############################################################################# // TI Release: USSLib_02_40_00_00 // Release Date: February 21, 2020 //############################################################################# //***************************************************************************** // includes //***************************************************************************** #include <msp430.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ussSwLib.h" #include "USS_Lib_HAL.h" #include "IQmathLib.h" #include "ussSwLibCalibration.h" //***************************************************************************** //! \addtogroup ussSwLib_userConfig //! @{ //***************************************************************************** #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************************************************************* * The following macros allows user to select tone generation type * *****************************************************************************/ #define USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE 0 #define USS_PULSE_MODE_DUAL_TONE 1 #define USS_PULSE_MODE_MULTI_TONE 2 /******************************************************************************* * The following macros allows user to select default * Absolute time of flight computation option * To switch between computation option update * USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE macro with the desired computation option ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_LOBE 0 #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_HILBERT 1 #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_LOBE_WIDE 2 #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_HILBERT_WIDE 3 /******************************************************************************* * The following macros allows user to select default * DtoF computation option * To switch between computation option update * USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE macro with the desired computation * option ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER 0 #define USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_ESTIMATE 1 /******************************************************************************* * The following macros allows user to select default * DToF estimate windowing options * To switch between computation option update * USS_ALG_DTOF_WINDOWING_MODE macro with the desired computation option * when USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE = USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_ESTIMATE ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_ALG_DTOF_EST_WINDOW_OPTION_DISABLED 0 #define USS_ALG_DTOF_EST_WINDOW_OPTION_ESTIMATE 1 #define USS_ALG_DTOF_EST_WINDOW_OPTION_DYNAMIC 2 #define USS_ALG_DTOF_EST_WINDOW_OPTION_STATIC 3 /******************************************************************************* * The following macros allows user to select default * DToF estimate windowing options * To switch between computation option update * USS_ALG_DTOF_WINDOWING_MODE macro with the desired computation option * when USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE = USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_ALG_DTOF_WATER_WINDOW_OPTION_DISABLED 0 #define USS_ALG_DTOF_WATER_WINDOW_OPTION_ENABLED 1 /******************************************************************************* * The following macros allows user to select default * volume flow calibration options * To switch between computation option update * USS_ALG_VFR_CALIB_MODE macro with the desired computation option ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_ALG_VFR_CALIB_OPTION_DISABLED 0 #define USS_ALG_VFR_CALIB_OPTION_FLOW 1 #define USS_ALG_VFR_CALIB_OPTION_FLOW_TEMPERATURE 2 /******************************************************************************* * The following macros allows user to select default * Volume computation option * To switch between computation option update * USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_MODE macro with the desired computation * option ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER 0 #define USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION_GENERIC 1 #define USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION_GAS USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION_GENERIC //****************************************************************************** // defines //****************************************************************************** /******************************************************************************* * USS PULSE GENERATION CONFIGURATION * * The following parameters configures the ultrasonic pulse generation * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef USS_PULSE_MODE #define USS_PULSE_MODE USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE #endif #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F1 20 #define USS_F1_FREQ 1000000 #define USS_PULSE_DUTYPERCENT_F1 50 #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F1 #elif defined(__MSP430_HAS_SAPH_A__) #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_DUAL_TONE) #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F1 12 #define USS_F1_FREQ 170000 #define USS_PULSE_DUTYPERCENT_F1 50 #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F2 12 #define USS_F2_FREQ 240000 #define USS_PULSE_DUTYPERCENT_F2 50 #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES (USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F1 + USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F2) #elif (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_MULTI_TONE) #define USS_F1_FREQ 170000 #define USS_F2_FREQ 240000 #define USS_NUM_OF_TRILL_PULSES 12 #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES ((2*(USS_NUM_OF_TRILL_PULSES + USS_NUM_OF_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES))) #endif #endif #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_MULTI_TONE) #define USS_NUM_OF_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES 0 #endif #define USS_ADDTL_BIN_PATTERN_SIZE 0 #define USS_NUM_OF_STOP_PULSES 0 /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY MEMORY OPTIMIZATION CONFIGURATION * * The following parameters allows to user to reduce capture buffer size and * temporary LEA and FRAM buffers. * ******************************************************************************/ #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_SAPH_A__) #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE 500 #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_MULTI_TONE) #define USS_NUM_OF_MAX_TRILL_PULSES 20 #define USS_NUM_OF_MAX_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES 10 #endif #else #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE 330 #endif #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_FILTER_LENGTH 20 #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_FILTER_OPTIONS 5 #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_HILBERT_FILTER_OPTIONS 2 #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_HILBERT_FILTER_LENGTH 12 #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_MULTI_TONE) #define USS_BINARY_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE 400 #else #define USS_BINARY_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE 200 #endif /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY CAPTURE ACCUMULATION CONFIGURATION * * The following parameters allows to enable/disable capture accumulation * options. WARNING: Enabling accumulation will increase LEA RAM requirements * * USS_SW_LIB_ENABLE_ACCUMULATION valid options: * -true * -false * * USS_ALG_DTOF_INTERVAL valid options: * -USS_dtof_volume_flow_calculation_interval_1 (default) * -USS_dtof_volume_flow_calculation_interval_2 * -USS_dtof_volume_flow_calculation_interval_4 * -USS_dtof_volume_flow_calculation_interval_8 * * The following definitions are used to initialize the following library * parameter: * -USS_Capture_Configuration.isCapAccumulationEnabled * -USS_Algorithms_User_Configuration.dtofVolInterval *******************************************************************************/ #define USS_SW_LIB_ENABLE_ACCUMULATION false #if (USS_SW_LIB_ENABLE_ACCUMULATION == false) #define USS_ALG_DTOF_INTERVAL USS_dtof_volume_flow_calculation_interval_1 #else #warning "Update to desired calculation interval" #define USS_ALG_DTOF_INTERVAL USS_dtof_volume_flow_calculation_interval_4 #endif /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY CLOCK DEFINITION * * IMPORTANT: The following defines only specify MCLK and LFXT frequencies at * which the application is configured to run. The library DOES NOT configure * MCLK, SMCLK or LFXT. * * This parameter are also using in the derived parameter section to calculate * HSPLL counts and LFXT counts. * * USS_MCLK_FREQ_IN_HZ valid options: * - Valid device specific MCLK frequency options * * USS_LFXT_FREQ_IN_HZ valid options: * - Valid device specific MCLK frequency options * * USS_SYS_MEASUREMENT_PERIOD (in LFXT cycles) valid range: * -min: 655 (20 milliseconds) * -max: 65535 (2 seconds) * ******************************************************************************/ #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_MULTI_TONE) #define USS_MCLK_FREQ_IN_HZ 16000000 #else #define USS_MCLK_FREQ_IN_HZ 8000000 #endif #define USS_SMCLK_FREQ_IN_HZ 8000000 #define USS_LFXT_FREQ_IN_HZ 32768 #define USS_SYS_MEASUREMENT_PERIOD 32768 /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY DIAGNOSTIC CONFIGURATION * * The following configuration allows the application to obtain additional debug * message codes during the application process. * * USS_DIAGNOSTIC_MODE valid options: * - USS_diagnostics_mode_2 (default) * - USS_diagnostics_mode_0 * *******************************************************************************/ #define USS_DIAGNOSTIC_MODE USS_diagnostics_mode_0 /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY METER CONFIGURATION * * The following configuration allows the application to configure meter * specific parameter * * USS_ACOUSTIC_LENGTH (Acoustic length in us at room temperature) * USS_VOLUME_SCALE_FACTOR (Volume Flow Rate Scale Factor) * USS_VFR_LARGE_PIPE_ADDL_SF (Volume Flow Rate Additional Scale Factor) * * *******************************************************************************/ #define USS_ACOUSTIC_LENGTH 70 #if (USS_PULSE_MODE != USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #define USS_VOLUME_SCALE_FACTOR 61.00f #else #define USS_VOLUME_SCALE_FACTOR 1.2742e7f #endif // The following #define must be set to 1.0f or larger #define USS_VFR_LARGE_PIPE_ADDL_SF 1.000000f // The following #define must be : // Set to false if USS_VFR_LARGE_PIPE_ADDL_SF == 1.0f // Set to true if USS_VFR_LARGE_PIPE_ADDL_SF > 1.0f) #define USS_VFR_LARGE_PIPE_ADDL_SF_ENABLE false /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY BASIC ULTRASONIC FIRING/CAPTURE CONFIGURATION * * The library basic configuration section has been split in the following * sections: * * -USS FREQUENCY CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS * -USS CAPTURE SEQUENCE CONFIGURATION * -USS PULSE GENERATION CONFIGURATION * -USS CALIBRATION CONFIGURATION * *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * USS FREQUENCY CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS * * USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ valid parameters: * - 80 (default), 79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68 * * USS_HSPLL_INPUT_CLK_TYPE valid parameters: * - USS_HSPLL_input_clock_type_ceramic_resonator (default) * - USS_HSPLL_input_clock_type_crystal * * USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE valid parameters: * -10 * -20 (default) * -40 * -80 * -160 * * USS_PLL_XTAL_IN_MHZ valid parameters: * -USS_HSPLL_input_clock_freq_8_MHz * -USS_HSPLL_input_clock_freq_4_MHz * * USS_OUTPUT_PLL_XTAL valid parameters: * -false (default) * -true * *****************************************************************************/ #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ 72 #define USS_HSPLL_INPUT_CLK_TYPE USS_HSPLL_input_clock_type_ceramic_resonator #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #define USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE 20 #else #define USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE 40 #endif #define USS_PLL_XTAL_IN_MHZ USS_HSPLL_input_clock_freq_8_MHz #define USS_OUTPUT_PLL_XTAL false #define USS_HSPLL_TOLERANCE_PERCENT 10 /******************************************************************************* * USS CAPTURE SEQUENCE CONFIGURATION * * USS_SEQUENCE_SELECTION valid parameters: * - USS_CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_SELECTION_CH0 * - USS_CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_SELECTION_CH1 * - USS_CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_SELECTION_CH0_CH0 * - USS_CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_SELECTION_CH0_CH1 (default) * - USS_CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_SELECTION_CH1_CH0 * - USS_CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_SELECTION_CH1_CH1 * * USS_CAPTURE_DURATION_USEC vaild range: * -min: 1 usec * -max: Varies depending on USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE, * USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE and USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ * * For further details regarding min and max values for the following parameter * please refer the USS Library API Guide. * USS_GAIN_RANGE * USS_START_CAPTURE_SEC * USS_ADC_SAMP_COUNT_SEC * USS_RESTART_CAP_COUNT_SEC * ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_SEQUENCE_SELECTION USS_CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_SELECTION_CH0_CH1 #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #define USS_CAPTURE_DURATION_USEC 40 #define USS_GAIN_RANGE USS_Capture_Gain_Range_8_7 #define USS_START_CAPTURE_SEC 1.0E-5f #define USS_ADC_SAMP_COUNT_SEC 6.9999995E-5f #else #define USS_CAPTURE_DURATION_USEC 300 #define USS_GAIN_RANGE USS_Capture_Gain_Range_0_1 #define USS_START_CAPTURE_SEC 200000e-9f #define USS_ADC_SAMP_COUNT_SEC 370000e-9f #endif #define USS_RESTART_CAP_COUNT_SEC 1.200E-2f #if (USSSWLIB_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_CIRCUITRY_CONTROL == true) #define USS_MEASUREMENT_TURN_ON_EXTERNAL_AMP_SEC 10000e-9f #define USS_MEASUREMENT_ASQTRIGGER_DELAY_SEC 100e-6f #endif /******************************************************************************* * USS CALIBRATION CONFIGURATION * * The following parameters configures the ultrasonic: * -Automatic Gain Calibration Constant * * For further details regarding the following parameter please refer the USS * Library API Guide. * USS_AGC_CONSTANT * USS_ALG_CALIBRATED_UPS_DC_OFFSET * USS_ALG_CALIBRATED_DNS_DC_OFFSET * ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_AGC_CONSTANT 60 #define USS_ALG_CALIBRATED_UPS_DC_OFFSET 0 #define USS_ALG_CALIBRATED_DNS_DC_OFFSET 0 /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY BASIC ALGORITHM CONFIGURATION ******************************************************************************/ #if (USS_PULSE_MODE != USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_HILBERT_WIDE #else #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_LOBE #endif #define USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_ESTIMATE #define USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_MODE USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_INTERVAL 1 #if (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER) #define USS_ALG_DTOF_WINDOWING_MODE USS_ALG_DTOF_WATER_WINDOW_OPTION_ENABLED #elif (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_ESTIMATE) #define USS_ALG_DTOF_WINDOWING_MODE USS_ALG_DTOF_EST_WINDOW_OPTION_ESTIMATE #endif #define USS_ALG_FILT_IS_FILTER_ENABLED false #define USS_ENABLE_ABSTOF_LOBE_OFFSET_CORRECTION true #define USS_ALG_VFR_CALIB_MODE USS_ALG_VFR_CALIB_OPTION_FLOW #define USS_ALG_ENABLE_ESTIMATE_TEMPERATURE false #define USS_ALG_ADC_ADDITIONAL_CAP_DLY 11.0e-6 #define USS_ALG_DCOFFSET 20e-12 #define USS_ALG_CLOCK_RELATIVERROR _IQ27(0.0) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_HILB_USE_CUSTOM_COEFF false #if(USS_ALG_DTOF_WINDOWING_MODE != USS_ALG_DTOF_EST_WINDOW_OPTION_DISABLED) #define USS_ALG_WIN_START_INDEX_BACK_OFF_NUM_CYCLES 2 #define USS_ALG_WIN_TRAP_RAMP_NUM_CYCLES 4 #define USS_ALG_WIN_NUM_CYCLES_DELTA 3 #define USS_ALG_WIN_PEAK_INDEX_2_EDGES_NUM_CYLES 0 #define USS_ALG_WIN_NUM_CYCLES (USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES + \ USS_ALG_WIN_NUM_CYCLES_DELTA) #endif /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY ADVANCED ALGORITHM CONFIGURATION * For more information regarding the following parameter please refer to the * USS API Library Guide ******************************************************************************/ #if (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_LOBE) #define USS_ALG_RATIO_OF_TRACK_LOBE 0.11111 #define USS_ALG_NUM_PULS_BEFORE_THRSH 1 #define USS_ALG_SEARCH_LOBE_SAMP 1 #define USS_ALG_MAX_RATIO_PEAK_2_PEAK_VAR 0.2 #define USS_ALG_CORR_VAL_THRSH_CHK_FACT 0.05 #define USS_ALG_SIGN_VAL_THRSH_CHK 100 #elif (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_HILBERT) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE 3 #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_POS_SEARCH_RANGE USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_NEG_SEARCH_RANGE -(USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES + USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_HILB_CROSS_THRESHOLD 20 #define USS_ALG_CORR_VAL_THRSH_CHK_FACT 0.05 #define USS_ALG_SIGN_VAL_THRSH_CHK 100 #elif (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_LOBE_WIDE) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE 3 #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_POS_SEARCH_RANGE USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_NEG_SEARCH_RANGE -(USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES + USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE) #define USS_ALG_RATIO_OF_TRACK_LOBE 0.5 #define USS_ALG_MAX_RATIO_PEAK_2_PEAK_VAR 0.5 #elif (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_HILBERT_WIDE) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_HILB_CROSS_THRESHOLD 50 #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE 8 #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_POS_SEARCH_RANGE USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_NEG_SEARCH_RANGE -(USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES + USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_SEARCH_RANGE) #else #error "Invalid Absolute ToF Algorithm Option" #endif #if (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER) #define USS_ALG_NUM_CYCLES_SEARCH_CORR 2 #define USS_ALG_HIGH_FLOW_OPTION (USS_highFlow_option_disabled) #define USS_ALG_CYCLESLIPTHRESHOLD 1.1 #define USS_ALG_THRESHOLDX1X3 2000000 #elif (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_ESTIMATE) #define USS_ALG_MAX_SAMPLE_SHIFT 20 #define USS_ALG_THRESHOLDX1X3 2000000 #else #error "Invalid Delta ToF Algorithm Option" #endif /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY ALGORITHM BAND-PASS AND HILBERT COEFFICIENT ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_FILTER_COEFFICIENTS \ { \ /* USS_filterCoeffs_3400000Hz */ \ { 0xFEEA, 0xFFDA, 0xF4E6, 0xFBA5, \ 0xFFBB, 0x03BC, 0x155D, 0xDE0E, \ 0xF5A0, 0x2E9C, 0xF5A0, 0xDE0E, \ 0x155D, 0x03BC, 0xFFBB, 0xFBA5, \ 0xF4E6, 0xFFDA, 0xFEEA, 0x0000 \ }, \ /* USS_filterCoeffs_3600000Hz */ \ { 0x002B, 0xFF01, 0xF563, 0x050D, \ 0xFE4C, 0x0F1B, 0x0FDC, 0xE05C, \ 0xFAC9, 0x302A, 0xFAC9, 0xE05C, \ 0x0FDC, 0x0F1B, 0xFE4C, 0x050D, \ 0xF563, 0xFF01, 0x002B, 0x0000 \ }, \ /* USS_filterCoeffs_3800000Hz */ \ { 0x0120, 0xFAD8, 0xFA10, 0x06E7, \ 0xFE1E, 0x14A0, 0x0848, 0xE00B, \ 0xFE43, 0x2DAF, 0xFE43, 0xE00B, \ 0x0848, 0x14A0, 0xFE1E, 0x06E7, \ 0xFA10, 0xFAD8, 0x0120, 0x0000 \ }, \ /* USS_filterCoeffs_4000000Hz */ \ { 0x0000, 0xF68E, 0x0000, 0x037C, \ 0x0000, 0x1714, 0x0000, 0xE229, \ 0x0000, 0x2D64, 0x0000, 0xE229, \ 0x0000, 0x1714, 0x0000, 0x037C, \ 0x0000, 0xF68E, 0x0000, 0x0000 \ }, \ /* USS_filterCoeffs_Custom */ \ {0}, \ }; #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_HILB_FILTER_COEFFICIENTS \ { \ /* Predefined Hilbert transform coefficients */ \ { 0xFD84, 0x0000, 0xF11F, 0x0000, \ 0xB38F, 0x0000, 0x4C71, 0x0000, \ 0x0EE1, 0x0000, 0x027C, 0x0000 \ }, \ /* USS Hilbert Coeffs Custom */ \ {0}, \ }; /******************************************************************************* * LIBRARY ADVANCED ULTRASONIC FIRING/CAPTURE CONFIGURATION * * For more information regarding the following parameter please refer to the * USS API Library Guide ******************************************************************************/ #define USS_EOF_SEQUENCE_SELECTION USS_measurement_end_of_sequence_state_power_off #define USS_CH0_DRIVE_STRENGHT USS_measurement_drive_strength_pre_trimmed_drive #define USS_CH1_DRIVE_STRENGHT USS_measurement_drive_strength_pre_trimmed_drive #define USS_PAUSE_STATE USS_measurement_pause_state_low #define USS_PULSE_POLARITY USS_measurement_pulse_polarity_excitation_starts_on_high_pulse #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #define USS_PGA_IN_BIAS_COUNT_SEC 0.0 #define USS_TURN_ON_ADC_COUNT_SEC 5e-6 #else #define USS_PGA_IN_BIAS_COUNT_SEC 200000e-9 #define USS_TURN_ON_ADC_COUNT_SEC 20000e-9 #endif #define USS_TIME_OUT_COUNT_SEC 3000e-6 #define USS_HSPLL_USSXTAL_SETTLING_USEC 120 #define USS_ENABLE_UUPSPREQIGINTERRUPT false #define USS_ENABLE_SAPH_PING_TRANSMIT false #define USS_ENABLE_WINDOW_HI_COMP false #define USS_ENABLE_WINDOW_LO_COMP false #define USS_WINDOW_HIGH_THRESHOLD (1040) #define USS_WINDOW_LOW_THRESHOLD (-1040) #define USS_TRIGGER_CONFIG USS_Triger_Configuration_Software_Trigger #define USS_ULP_BIAS_DELAY USS_measurement_ULP_bias_delay_300_usec #define USS_BIAS_IMPEDANCE USS_measurement_bias_impedance_2800_Ohms #define USS_MUX_CHARGE_PUMP_MODE USS_measurement_mux_charge_pump_always_off /****************************************************************************** * LIBRARY DERIVED PARAMETER SECTION * * The following section performs additional library configuration based on the * parameter selection above. * * It is highly recommended to not modify the following sections * ******************************************************************************/ #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F1 #elif defined(__MSP430_HAS_SAPH_A__) #if (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_DUAL_TONE) #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES (USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F1 + USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES_F2) #elif (USS_PULSE_MODE == USS_PULSE_MODE_MULTI_TONE) #define USS_NUM_OF_EXCITATION_PULSES ((2*(USS_NUM_OF_TRILL_PULSES + USS_NUM_OF_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES))) #endif #endif #if (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_LOBE) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION (USS_Alg_AbsToF_Calculation_Option_lobe) #elif (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_HILBERT) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION (USS_Alg_AbsToF_Calculation_Option_hilbert) #elif (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_LOBE_WIDE) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION (USS_Alg_AbsToF_Calculation_Option_lobeWide) #elif (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION_MODE_HILBERT_WIDE) #define USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_COMPUTATION ( \ USS_Alg_AbsToF_Calculation_Option_hilbertWide) #else #error "Invalid Abs ToF computation option" #endif #if (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER) #define USS_ALG_DELTA_TOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION (USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_water) #elif (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_ESTIMATE) #define USS_ALG_DELTA_TOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION (USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate) #else #error "Invalid Delta ToF computation option" #endif #if (USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER) #define USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION (USS_Alg_volume_flow_Calculation_Option_water) #elif (USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION_GENERIC) #define USS_ALG_VOLUME_RATE_COMPUTATION_OPTION (USS_Alg_volume_flow_Calculation_Option_generic) #else #error "Invalid volume flow rate computation option" #endif #define USS_ALG_IS_INIT_ALGORITHMS false #if (USS_PULSE_MODE > 2) #error \ "Pulse mode not supported. Please modify USS_PULSE_MODE to a valid configuration." #endif #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_SAPH_A__) #if (USS_NUM_OF_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES > 0) #warning \ "User must provide additional pulse configuration by defining xtraepulse, xtraxpulse, xtraxhper, xtraxlper, xtrahper, xtralper in variables in USS_userConfig.c" #if (USS_ADDTL_BIN_PATTERN_SIZE == 0) #error "USS_ADDTL_BIN_PATTERN_SIZE cannot be set to 0 when USS_NUM_OF_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES > 0" #endif #elif (USS_NUM_OF_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES < 0) #error "Invalid number of USS_NUM_OF_ADDTL_TRILL_PULSES" #endif #endif #if (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 80) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_80_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 80e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 79) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_79_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 79e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 78) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_78_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 78e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 77) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_77_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 77e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 76) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_76_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 76e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 75) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_75_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 75e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 74) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_74_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 74e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 73) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_73_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 73e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 72) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_72_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 72e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 71) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_71_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 71e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 70) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_70_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 70e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 69) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_69_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 69e6 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 68) #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_68_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 68e6 #else #define USS_HSPLL_FREQ USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_80_MHz #define USS_PLL_FREQ 80e6 #endif #define USS_START_PPG_COUNT ((USS_PLL_FREQ * USS_START_CAPTURE_SEC) / 16) #define USS_TURN_ON_ADC_COUNT ((USS_PLL_FREQ * USS_TURN_ON_ADC_COUNT_SEC) / 16) #define USS_PGA_IN_BIAS_COUNT ((USS_PLL_FREQ * USS_PGA_IN_BIAS_COUNT_SEC) / 16) #define USS_ADC_SAMP_COUNT ((USS_PLL_FREQ * USS_ADC_SAMP_COUNT_SEC) / 16) #define USS_RESTART_CAP_COUNT ((USS_PLL_FREQ * USS_RESTART_CAP_COUNT_SEC / \ 16) / 16) #define USS_TIME_OUT_COUNT ((USS_PLL_FREQ * USS_TIME_OUT_COUNT_SEC / \ 4) / 16) #define USS_LOW_POWER_RESTART_CAP_COUNT (USS_LFXT_FREQ_IN_HZ * \ USS_RESTART_CAP_COUNT_SEC) #define USS_HSPLL_TEMP ((USS_PLL_FREQ) / 1600) #define USS_HSPLL_TEMP2 ((USS_HSPLL_TEMP) * (USS_HSPLL_TOLERANCE_PERCENT)) #define USS_HSPLL_TOLERANCE (USS_HSPLL_TEMP2*RESONATOR_CALIB_MONITORING_ACLK/(USS_LFXT_FREQ_IN_HZ)) // Macros used to place variables in LEA RAM memory section #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #define _PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (# x) #define USS_LEA_DATA(var,align) _PRAGMA(DATA_SECTION(var,".leaRAM")) \ _PRAGMA(DATA_ALIGN(var,(align))) #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) #define _PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (# x) #define USS_LEA_DATA(var,align) _PRAGMA(location = "LEARAM") \ _PRAGMA(data_alignment = align) #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define USS_LEA_DATA(var,align) __attribute__((section(".leaRAM"))) \ __attribute__((aligned(align))) #else #define USS_LEA_DATA(var,align) #endif // This section of the header checks if the application maximum capture size // is below the supported USS SW library capture size #if (USS_SW_LIB_ENABLE_ACCUMULATION == true) #if (USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE > 372) #error \ "USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE in USS_userConfig.h file must be less than 372" #else #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_ACC_BLOCK (2 * USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE) #endif #else #if (USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE > 620) #error \ "USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE in USS_userConfig.h file must be less than 620" #else #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_ACC_BLOCK 0 #endif #endif #define ROUND_UP(N, S) ((((N) + (S) -1) / (S)) * (S)) #define TEMP_SETL (USS_HSPLL_USSXTAL_SETTLING_USEC * USS_LFXT_FREQ_IN_HZ) #define USS_HSPLL_USSXTAL_SETTLING_COUNT_TEMP ROUND_UP((TEMP_SETL / 100000),10) #define USS_HSPLL_USSXTAL_SETTLING_COUNT (USS_HSPLL_USSXTAL_SETTLING_COUNT_TEMP \ / 10) #define DIV_ROUND(N, D) (((N) + ((D)/2)) / (D)) #if(USS_ALG_DTOF_WINDOWING_MODE != USS_ALG_DTOF_EST_WINDOW_OPTION_DISABLED) #if (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_WATER) #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_WINDOW_RAMP_SIZE (USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE + USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_FILTER_LENGTH) #elif (USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_MODE == USS_ALG_DTOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION_ESTIMATE) #define WINDOW_RAMP_TEMP_NUMERATOR (USS_ALG_WIN_TRAP_RAMP_NUM_CYCLES * USS_PLL_FREQ) #define WINDOW_RAMP_TEMP_DENOMINATOR (USS_F1_FREQ * USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE) #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_WINDOW_RAMP_TMP DIV_ROUND(WINDOW_RAMP_TEMP_NUMERATOR,WINDOW_RAMP_TEMP_DENOMINATOR) #define USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_WINDOW_RAMP_SIZE ((int)USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_WINDOW_RAMP_TMP + 2) #endif #endif #if (USS_ALG_FILT_IS_FILTER_ENABLED == true) #if (USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE == 20) #if (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 80) #define USS_ALG_FILT_OPTION 3 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 76) #define USS_ALG_FILT_OPTION 2 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 72) #define USS_ALG_FILT_OPTION 1 #elif (USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ == 68) #define USS_ALG_FILT_OPTION 0 #else #warning "No predefined band-pass filter is available for the selected USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE and USS_HSPLL_FREQ frequency. User is responsible of defining USS_filterCoeffs_Custom entry below" #define USS_ALG_FILT_OPTION 4 #endif #else #warning "No predefined band-pass filter is available for the selected USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE and USS_HSPLL_FREQ frequency. User is responsible of defining USS_filterCoeffs_Custom entry below" #define USS_ALG_FILT_OPTION 4 #endif #endif #if (USS_ALG_ABS_TOF_HILB_USE_CUSTOM_COEFF == false) #define USS_HILB_ALG_FILT_OPTION 0 #else #warning \ "Detected custom hilbert coefficient configuration. Please confirm USS_filterCoeffs_Custom has a valid coefficient configuration" #define USS_HILB_ALG_FILT_OPTION 1 #endif #if (USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE == 10) #define USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE \ USS_Capture_Over_Sample_Rate_10 #elif (USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE == 20) #define USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE \ USS_Capture_Over_Sample_Rate_20 #elif (USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE == 40) #define USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE \ USS_Capture_Over_Sample_Rate_40 #elif (USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE == 80) #define USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE \ USS_Capture_Over_Sample_Rate_80 #elif (USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE == 160) #define USS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE \ USS_Capture_Over_Sample_Rate_160 #else #error "Invalid USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE configuration" #endif #define USS_USER_CONFIG_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAPTURE \ ((USS_CAPTURE_DURATION_USEC*USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ)/USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE) #if (USS_USER_CONFIG_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAPTURE > \ USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE) #error \ "USS_USER_CONFIG_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAPTURE exceeds USS_SW_LIB_APP_MAX_CAPTURE_SIZE" #endif #if (USS_PULSE_MODE != USS_PULSE_MODE_SINGLE_TONE) #ifdef __MSP430_HAS_SAPH__ #error \ "Dual or Multi-Tone configuration is not supported on MSP430 devices without SAPH_A module" #endif #endif #if (USSSWLIB_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_CIRCUITRY_CONTROL == true) #define USS_MEASUREMENT_TURN_ON_EXTERNAL_AMP_COUNT (USS_SMCLK_FREQ_IN_HZ * \ USS_MEASUREMENT_TURN_ON_EXTERNAL_AMP_SEC) #define USS_MEASUREMENT_ASQTRIGGER_DELAY_CYCLES \ (USS_MEASUREMENT_ASQTRIGGER_DELAY_SEC*USS_SMCLK_FREQ_IN_HZ) #endif #define USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_water 1 #define USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate 0 #define USS_highFlow_option_disabled 0 #define USS_highFlow_option_version1 1 #define USS_highFlow_option_version2 2 #if (USS_ALG_DELTA_TOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION == USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_water) #if (USS_ALG_HIGH_FLOW_OPTION != USS_highFlow_option_disabled) #warning "USS_highFlow_option_version1 and USS_highFlow_option_version2 are \ discourage for new development. It is highly recommended to switch to \ USS_ALG_DELTA_TOF_COMPUTATION_OPTION = USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate.\ When using USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate, USS_ALG_HIGH_FLOW_OPTION \ is a don't care." #endif #endif //****************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // typedefs //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // globals //***************************************************************************** //! \brief global ultrasonic library configuration //! extern USS_SW_Library_configuration gUssSWConfig; extern USS_Pulse_Single_Dual_Tone_Configuration singDualToneConfig; extern USS_Pulse_Multitone_Configuration multiToneConfig; extern USS_Pulse_Additional_End_of_Sequence_Configuration ussEndOfSeq; //***************************************************************************** // the function prototypes //***************************************************************************** #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // extern "C" //@} // ingroup #endif // end of _USERCONFIG_H_ definition
Okay, the .h file looks good from my side.
Could you also try add below code before you call USS_runAlgorithms(&gUssSWConfig,&algResults); function?
gUssSWConfig.pllConfiguration->pllOutputFreq = USS_HSPLL_output_clk_freq_72_MHz;
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Hi Cash,
Thank you for the update.
Yes, sure I did it and it seems the error is still there.
Can it be that the ceramic resonator is malfunctioning and it not working at all?
Well, I think the chance of the ceramic resonator broken is very low. If it is a hardware issue. A ESD hazard on the HFXT pin of the MCU is more likely to happen in some cases on my side. So, I would suggest to use a new FR6047 MCU to replace the one on your EVM board. You can also replace the ceramic resonator and check if these will work.
Best regards,
Cash Hao
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