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MSP430FR2433: Bin file size is large compared to actual code

Part Number: MSP430FR2433



I am using MSP430FR2433.

My application size is less but generated bin file from code composer studio is large 15KB every time.

How to generate the actual bin file or reduce the bin file size?

Thanks & regards,

Sumit Chaulya.

  • A binary file is a flat representation of what is in memory. Since the code is located at the beginning of FRAM and the vectors (including reset) are at the end, a binary file will have to include all of it.

    An Intel Hex file (for example) includes address data so does not have to include all of that empty space.

    You could reduce the bin file size by altering the memory size in the linker script. An option only if you really need it and understand what you are doing.

  • Hi David,

    I did some trial, but still binary file size is 15KB.

    It generated whole 15KB of bin file.

    MSP430FR2433 MCU has 15KB of program memory.

    Please suggest me where I should change or update.

    And ISR address and reset vector outside of the program memory as per data sheet and linker file.

    I am using this command to generate the Binary file.

    "${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/tiobj2bin" "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin" "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/ofd430" "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/hex430" "${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin"

    I have charged the FRAM length also for 5KB.

    //***************************CMD file ************************************************

    SFR : origin = 0x0000, length = 0x0010
    PERIPHERALS_8BIT : origin = 0x0010, length = 0x00F0
    PERIPHERALS_16BIT : origin = 0x0100, length = 0x0100
    RAM : origin = 0x2000, length = 0x1000
    INFOA : origin = 0x1800, length = 0x0200
    FRAM : origin = 0xC400, length = 0x1400
    JTAGSIGNATURE : origin = 0xFF80, length = 0x0004, fill = 0xFFFF
    BSLSIGNATURE : origin = 0xFF84, length = 0x0004, fill = 0xFFFF
    INT00 : origin = 0xFF88, length = 0x0002
    INT01 : origin = 0xFF8A, length = 0x0002
    INT02 : origin = 0xFF8C, length = 0x0002
    INT03 : origin = 0xFF8E, length = 0x0002
    INT04 : origin = 0xFF90, length = 0x0002
    INT05 : origin = 0xFF92, length = 0x0002
    INT06 : origin = 0xFF94, length = 0x0002
    INT07 : origin = 0xFF96, length = 0x0002
    INT08 : origin = 0xFF98, length = 0x0002
    INT09 : origin = 0xFF9A, length = 0x0002
    INT10 : origin = 0xFF9C, length = 0x0002
    INT11 : origin = 0xFF9E, length = 0x0002
    INT12 : origin = 0xFFA0, length = 0x0002
    INT13 : origin = 0xFFA2, length = 0x0002
    INT14 : origin = 0xFFA4, length = 0x0002
    INT15 : origin = 0xFFA6, length = 0x0002
    INT16 : origin = 0xFFA8, length = 0x0002
    INT17 : origin = 0xFFAA, length = 0x0002
    INT18 : origin = 0xFFAC, length = 0x0002
    INT19 : origin = 0xFFAE, length = 0x0002
    INT20 : origin = 0xFFB0, length = 0x0002
    INT21 : origin = 0xFFB2, length = 0x0002
    INT22 : origin = 0xFFB4, length = 0x0002
    INT23 : origin = 0xFFB6, length = 0x0002
    INT24 : origin = 0xFFB8, length = 0x0002
    INT25 : origin = 0xFFBA, length = 0x0002
    INT26 : origin = 0xFFBC, length = 0x0002
    INT27 : origin = 0xFFBE, length = 0x0002
    INT28 : origin = 0xFFC0, length = 0x0002
    INT29 : origin = 0xFFC2, length = 0x0002
    INT30 : origin = 0xFFC4, length = 0x0002
    INT31 : origin = 0xFFC6, length = 0x0002
    INT32 : origin = 0xFFC8, length = 0x0002
    INT33 : origin = 0xFFCA, length = 0x0002
    INT34 : origin = 0xFFCC, length = 0x0002
    INT35 : origin = 0xFFCE, length = 0x0002
    INT36 : origin = 0xFFD0, length = 0x0002
    INT37 : origin = 0xFFD2, length = 0x0002
    INT38 : origin = 0xFFD4, length = 0x0002
    INT39 : origin = 0xFFD6, length = 0x0002
    INT40 : origin = 0xFFD8, length = 0x0002
    INT41 : origin = 0xFFDA, length = 0x0002
    INT42 : origin = 0xFFDC, length = 0x0002
    INT43 : origin = 0xFFDE, length = 0x0002
    INT44 : origin = 0xFFE0, length = 0x0002
    INT45 : origin = 0xFFE2, length = 0x0002
    INT46 : origin = 0xFFE4, length = 0x0002
    INT47 : origin = 0xFFE6, length = 0x0002
    INT48 : origin = 0xFFE8, length = 0x0002
    INT49 : origin = 0xFFEA, length = 0x0002
    INT50 : origin = 0xFFEC, length = 0x0002
    INT51 : origin = 0xFFEE, length = 0x0002
    INT52 : origin = 0xFFF0, length = 0x0002
    INT53 : origin = 0xFFF2, length = 0x0002
    INT54 : origin = 0xFFF4, length = 0x0002
    INT55 : origin = 0xFFF6, length = 0x0002
    INT56 : origin = 0xFFF8, length = 0x0002
    INT57 : origin = 0xFFFA, length = 0x0002
    INT58 : origin = 0xFFFC, length = 0x0002
    RESET : origin = 0xFFFE, length = 0x0002

    /* Specify the sections allocation into memory */

    .TI.persistent : {} /* For #pragma persistent */

    .cinit : {} /* Initialization tables */
    .pinit : {} /* C++ constructor tables */
    .binit : {} /* Boot-time Initialization tables */
    .init_array : {} /* C++ constructor tables */
    .mspabi.exidx : {} /* C++ constructor tables */
    .mspabi.extab : {} /* C++ constructor tables */
    .const : {} /* Constant data */

    .text : {} /* Code */
    } > FRAM

    #ifdef __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__
    #if __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ >= 15009000
    #ifndef __LARGE_CODE_MODEL__
    .TI.ramfunc : {} load=FRAM, run=RAM, table(BINIT)
    .TI.ramfunc : {} load=FRAM | FRAM2, run=RAM, table(BINIT)

    .jtagsignature : {} > JTAGSIGNATURE /* JTAG Signature */
    .bslsignature : {} > BSLSIGNATURE /* BSL Signature */

    .bss : {} > RAM /* Global & static vars */
    .data : {} > RAM /* Global & static vars */
    .TI.noinit : {} > RAM /* For #pragma noinit */
    .cio : {} > RAM /* C I/O buffer */
    .sysmem : {} > RAM /* Dynamic memory allocation area */
    .stack : {} > RAM (HIGH) /* Software system stack */

    .infoA (NOLOAD) : {} > INFOA /* MSP430 INFO FRAM Memory segments */

    /* MSP430 Interrupt vectors */
    .int00 : {} > INT00
    .int01 : {} > INT01
    .int02 : {} > INT02
    .int03 : {} > INT03
    .int04 : {} > INT04
    .int05 : {} > INT05
    .int06 : {} > INT06
    .int07 : {} > INT07
    .int08 : {} > INT08
    .int09 : {} > INT09
    .int10 : {} > INT10
    .int11 : {} > INT11
    .int12 : {} > INT12
    .int13 : {} > INT13
    .int14 : {} > INT14
    .int15 : {} > INT15
    .int16 : {} > INT16
    .int17 : {} > INT17
    .int18 : {} > INT18
    .int19 : {} > INT19
    .int20 : {} > INT20
    .int21 : {} > INT21
    .int22 : {} > INT22
    .int23 : {} > INT23
    .int24 : {} > INT24
    .int25 : {} > INT25
    .int26 : {} > INT26
    .int27 : {} > INT27
    .int28 : {} > INT28
    .int29 : {} > INT29
    .int30 : {} > INT30
    .int31 : {} > INT31
    .int32 : {} > INT32
    .int33 : {} > INT33
    .int34 : {} > INT34
    .int35 : {} > INT35
    .int36 : {} > INT36
    .int37 : {} > INT37
    .int38 : {} > INT38
    .int39 : {} > INT39
    .int40 : {} > INT40
    PORT2 : { * ( .int41 ) } > INT41 type = VECT_INIT
    PORT1 : { * ( .int42 ) } > INT42 type = VECT_INIT
    ADC : { * ( .int43 ) } > INT43 type = VECT_INIT
    USCI_B0 : { * ( .int44 ) } > INT44 type = VECT_INIT
    USCI_A1 : { * ( .int45 ) } > INT45 type = VECT_INIT
    USCI_A0 : { * ( .int46 ) } > INT46 type = VECT_INIT
    WDT : { * ( .int47 ) } > INT47 type = VECT_INIT
    RTC : { * ( .int48 ) } > INT48 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER3_A1 : { * ( .int49 ) } > INT49 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER3_A0 : { * ( .int50 ) } > INT50 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER2_A1 : { * ( .int51 ) } > INT51 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER2_A0 : { * ( .int52 ) } > INT52 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER1_A1 : { * ( .int53 ) } > INT53 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER1_A0 : { * ( .int54 ) } > INT54 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER0_A1 : { * ( .int55 ) } > INT55 type = VECT_INIT
    TIMER0_A0 : { * ( .int56 ) } > INT56 type = VECT_INIT
    UNMI : { * ( .int57 ) } > INT57 type = VECT_INIT
    SYSNMI : { * ( .int58 ) } > INT58 type = VECT_INIT
    .reset : {} > RESET /* MSP430 Reset vector */

    /* Include peripherals memory map */

    -l msp430fr2433.cmd

  • So you changed the FRAM length but not where it starts. You changed nothing.

    An Intel Hex file,  S records, or anything with address information would be a better way to go.

  • Hi, David, 

    I do not want to change the start address.  Then how to reduce the bin size?

    Hex size is 3KB, But i need Bin file for firmware update using custom bootloader.



  • I do not want to change the start address.  Then how to reduce the bin size?

    You can't with a flat file format like .bin

  • Hi David,

    I am using this command to generate the .out file to bin file.

    "${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/tiobj2bin" "${BuildArtifactFileName}"  "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin" "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/ofd430"  "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/hex430"  "${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin"

    Actual code size is 674 bytes.

    we used this cmd to check the file size.

    /opt/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-armllvm_3.2.0.LTS/bin/tiarmobjcopy -O binary --only-section .text writeFlash_2.out writeFlash_2.bin

    it was giving 604 bytes of .text file.

    How to generate the .bin file from .out file?

    Is any process available to generate the .out file to .bin file including .text, .bss and .data section?

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