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fatal error: 'ti/devices/msp/msp.h' file not found startup_mspm0l130x_ticlang.c/

Part Number: P-MSPM0L1306


Hi all,
I am new to TI controllers and not familiar with CCS IDEs. I have a TI Launchpad with MSPM032 bit ARM Cortex MCUs which includes TI's  LP-MSPM0L1306 controller. Previously, I worked with dsPIC controllers where I could easily include a header file (xc.h) for GPIO peripheral configurations.

Now, with the LP-MSPM0L1306 controller, I attempted to run some demo projects that use the following libraries:

#include <ti/driverlib/driverlib.h>
#include <ti/driverlib/m0p/dl_core.h>

I created a new project to test PWM using the same demo code, but I encountered the following error:

fatal error: 'ti/devices/msp/msp.h' file not found startup_mspm0l130x_ticlang.c/Single PWM line 36 C/C++ Problem

The `msp.h` library is not being included directly. How can I resolve this issue?

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