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MSP430FR6047: ADC result address not updating

Part Number: MSP430FR6047


Hi Ti Family

I am using MSP430FR6047 EVM Kit and I am trying to execute one sample ADC program "msp430fr60x7_adc12_05.c (" . But when i am observing the memory address corresponding to the result register ADC12MEM0 (X000860) of the given adc, it is not getting updated.

Thanks & regards


  • How are you observing? Are you setting a breakpoint at the suggested code line ("_no_operation()")?

    What is connected to P1.1 (VeREF+)?

  • Hi, I am observing the memory address from memory browser  and I have connected to p1.1 as VR+ = AVCC, VR- = AVSS by selecting ADC12VRSEL_0 register and I am giving analog input to P2.0 i.e A6 from function generator.

  • It sounds like you changed ADC12VRSEL_4->ADC12VRSEL_0. Did you change anything else?

    To sample A6, you need to also 

    1) set ADC12MCTL0:ADC12INCH=6 [Ref User Guide (SLAU378P) Table 34-9] and

    2) set P2SEL0:BIT0=1 and P2SEL1:BIT0=1. [Ref datasheet (SLASEB7C) Table 6-27.]

    The suggested breakpoint is a good place to stop since you know the conversion has completed.

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