Hi Team,
In my current project application, there is a need of firmware upgrade of MCU MSP430-FR-2476 using BSL- Rocket. For that i have installed BSL scripter ( in my linux laptop. I was trying to execute my firmware image (in txt) as shown below in snapshot, but could not get it worked. I am following BSL scripter user's guide.
Can you please guide me step by step how to follow each and every step to upgrade my MCU with new firmare image?
I could execute the UART script_FRxx_uart.txt and updated the script with offset and firmware binary name. The script_FRxx_uart.txt file looks as below for MSP430FR-2476,
Below are the snapshots during BSL script exeuction for FW upgrade. The Unknown ACK Value! error is shown. Can you please suggest what is the wrong in my steps or i am missing?
Is there any extra code required for upgrade in my MSP430-FR-2476 firmware as i have not any in my firmware binary ?
Hi Nitish,
There maybe some wrong log information for the GUI, please check the wave form of the UART for the actual status. I don't know if you have a Saleae or other logic analyzer? You can put the captures here I can help to check it
Hi Gary,
I have recorded the BSL script execution and waveform (using DSO) as video file and attached in ZIP file below. Please have a look for the file shared.
The Yellow (C1) waveform is probed over Tx line and Green (C2) is probed over Rx line.
It seems the wave form quality is not good, could you help to make the wire be as short as possible?
By the way, just want to confirm with you, you don't have a logic analyzer on your side or could you help to borrow one to capture the wave form here?
Hi Gary
Please find below attached ZIP file having waveform data and CSV file data.
The waveform can be opened with the application after installing it in PD. The application can be downloaded from below link of Saleae.
The Chanel 0 in waveform is for Tx and Chanel 1 is for Rx in MSP430FR2476 launchpad EVK header J101.
I used Saleae for many years, you can just send me the capture files to me.
It seems your attachment is missing. Could you help to upload the wave form capture again?
Got it, and few questions here:
1. For the channel 1, seems nothing on that channel, right?
2. for channel 0 , the wave form seems not correct with the 9600 baud rate,
It seems you have not use the BSL- Rocket correctly. I don't have a linux on myside, what I have is the steps using in Windows as below
I don't know if you have MSP-FET on your side, it also can be used as the bridge between MSP430 and PC with same operation above.
You can also try to use Uniflash that also can support BSL operation
Can you please confirm the connections i am using are correct in below snap?
Below is the UART script i am using for FW upgrade.
Seems ok, could you help to find a windows PC and followed the guide I shared with you above to make it work first that to verify the hardware is OK, and then you can try use the same hardware set up in the Linux?
Hi Gary
Yes, i was able to follow the steps on Windows PC as per the guide you shared above. But the result seems the same as on Linux PC. The same issue is occurring during the UART script execution with BSL rocket tool. I used BSL rocket as it is the only tool eventually required for firmware upgrade. I am sharing the images and log and script file for the reference. Please have a look into the files if i am missing anything for the process.
hi Gary
I tried with MSP-FET flash emulation tool, but result is the same as BSL rocket tool.
Can you please provide suggestions as we are stuck critically?
Hi Gary
I am not able to get into BSL mode that i found when i probe the RST and TST signals. The RST always remains HIGH and TST as LOW.
Can you please suggest what can be done for RST and TST signals?
We are stuck here critically.
Hi Nitish,
Sorry for the late response due to my holiday and just come back now. That is wired that no trigger signal on RST and TEST pin. Please help to do the test on the windows PC with MSP-FET.
When you plug in the MSP-FET please make sure it has been detected by the PC as below
And remember to modify the COM port number in the txt file, the import part to check the if you connect the right pin as below
Capture the wave form to here if any problem with this.
Hi Gary
Thanks for the reply.
Here at our end, we are able to upgrade the FW with BSL rocket setup. The issue was regarding the UART connections as Tx/Rx are already swapped inside the BSL rocket tool.
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