MSP-GANG: Which wires are vital for MSP430F23x MCU programming

Part Number: MSP-GANG
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F235



I have to flash a MSP430F235 device on a PCBA, in a production environment. I have to use MSP-GANG programmer. The programmer has to be integrated into a test equipment. I want to connect the PCBA to the programmer trough testpoints, and I want to minimalise the necessary wires. According to my understanding, the MSP430F235 can be connected via JTAG, which require 4 wires (TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK). And of course Power and GND. In the MSP-GANG 14 pole connector there are more pins.:

* BSL-RX and BSL-TX  I thnik I can leave them unconnected, please confirm
* TEST pin: the  MSP430F235 has no dedicated TEST pin. Should I leave it unconnected?
* nRST pin: if I use JTAG, can I leave it unconnected?

Is there any CLI (command line interface) to execute a script easy, or only the dll is available?



  • Hi Janos,

    Please see section of the device family users guide. In most packages you need 4 wires, in some you need 5. You may also want to see section 2.5.

    You do not need the BSL RX and BSL TX pins for JTAG programming. 

    For the TEST and NRST check section 2.5 for recommendations. TEST can be left open, NRST needs a simple pull up circuit with a cap for noise.

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