MSP430FR2433: MSP430 BSL I2C issue - SCL hangs low

Part Number: MSP430FR2433


I am trying to initiate a firmware update on MSP430 (MSP430FR2433) via I2C. After i enter the BSL, I can see that the MSP430 responds to address 0x48 ( cuz i do get an ACK if i send the address ). But sending any command to the MSP430, the SCL line goes low and stay that way. what could be the possible cause for this?

I2C line i use are on pin P1.2 (SDA) & P1.3 (SCL). I know firmware update can be done via I2C or via UART. If the MSP430 is configured to automatically detect to UART or I2C, how is this detection done by the MSP430?
I have P1.5  (UART RX) pulled down to ground. Will this cause any problem?

Thank you.

  • When you enable both UART and I2C for BSL, MCU will automatically detect UART or I2C. If any one first come, then it will be the chosen interface.

    So you can try to disable the UART and test it again.

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