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CC430F51x7 compatibility

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC430F5137, CC430F5147

Hi all,

I have one question that I think I know the answer, but I need to make sure before moving on. Is CC430F5137 and CC430F5147 pin-to-pin compatible? That is, can I use the exactly same board and populate it with the different components? Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


  • Comparing the datasheets, the pinout seems to be the same.
    However, the question is a bit ambiguous. An identical pinout doesn't mean that the part can be used as 1:1 replacement. It's possible that despite of the same pinout, the analog signals on the pins have to be different. I don't kow the specifics, so I can't tell whether you can use the exact same external layout with just different components.

    Sorry if this doesn't help you clearing all doubts.

  • Yes, I've also compared the pinout from the schematic and it seems to be equivalent (same package, same functionality in the same pins). Anyway, just in case, can an engineer from TI confirm it? Thanks!



  • Jens-Michael Gross said:
    It's possible that despite of the same pinout, the analog signals on the pins have to be different.

    One analog difference is that the CC430F5137 has an ADC12 module, where as the CC430F5147 has an ADC10 module. The CC430F5147 has a shared reference output buffer controlled by REFCTL0.REFOUT shown on the P2.5 port schematics, which isn't on the CC430F5137. Does your design use analog signals?

  • Chester,

    Our design may use analog signals and the ADC but I don't see that as a source of problems as:

    a) We do not need 12 bit ADC and,

    b) All the pins we use are routed to external pins, meaning that we can adapt our design taking into account these differences.

    Besides that, I do not see much more differences. Any other that you can find?



  • Pere Tuset said:
    Besides that, I do not see much more differences. Any other that you can find?

    1) CC430F5137 has a RTC module where as CC430F5147 has a RTC_D module. The RTC_D module has additional BIN2BCD (Real Time Binary-to-BCD conversion register) and BCD2BIN (Real Time BCD-to-binary conversion register) registers. The RTC_D module retains time in LPM3.5 mode.

    2) The CC430F5147 supports RTC Only Mode (LPM3.5) and Shutdown Mode (LPM4.5). The CC430F5137 doesn't support these LPMx.5 modes. The CC430F5147 has 128 bytes of backup RAM which has data retention in the LPMx.5 modes.


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