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MSP430FR5969 1.8 volt operation

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5969

The datasheet for this device states that it can operate down to 1.8 volts.  In my application, I'm noticing that the device stops functioning around 2.0 volts.  I suspect that the SVS may have something to do with this, but the datasheet and family user guide is not specific about what the threashold levels are or how to set them.

I'd like some guidance on the relevent settings (SVS related or not) to actually achieve operation down to 1.8 volts.



  • Stuart Baker said:
    family user guide is not specific about what the threashold levels are or how to set them.

    Wrong. Excerpt from 5xx family user guide:

    The voltage thresholds enforced by the SVS and SVM modules are selectable. Table 2-1 shows the SVS
    and SVM threshold registers, the voltage threshold they control, and the number of threshold options.

    You shall look for chapter " SVS and SVM Thresholds"

  • Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any actual values listed in that section in the document "MSP430FR58xx and MSP430FR59xx Family User's Guide" (slau367a.pdf).  All I see is the snippet below...




  • What about SLAU208M ?

  • I'm aware of that document.  Does it apply to the MSP430FR5969 (FRAM)?  There is no reference to this document on the product page.  It seams that either the MSP430FR5xxx family user guide may need to be updated with additional information, or a prominate reference to the SLAU208M docuement may need to be placed on the MSP430FR5xxx product pages.



  • Stuart Baker said:
    It seams that either the MSP430FR5xxx family user guide may need to be updated with additional information, or a prominate reference to the SLAU208M docuement may need to be placed on the MSP430FR5xxx product pages.

    Who is TI employee here? - not me definitely.

  • I'm sorry, I thought I was conversing with someone from the MSP430 factory team.  Thank you for your help so far.  Can someone from the MSP430 apps team chime in and provide some guidance?


  • Stuart Baker said:
    I'm sorry, I thought I was conversing with someone from the MSP430 factory team.  Thank you for your help so far.  Can someone from the MSP430 apps team chime in and provide some guidance?

    Good luck :) You better pick-up TI phonebook and call them. Yes, (I probably risk to be banned) this is what I see here - that TI rely on amateurs rather than give professional help here.

    I am waitin' answer from _moderator_ of this forum week or so already.

  • Stuart - I've let the team know and hopefully you should hear a response soon.

    Illmars - I've been out the past week on a non-planned personal matter and will respond soon and you are not at any risk of being banned.


  • Stuart,

    Although the  MSP430FR58xx and MSP430FR59xx have been announced, they are not fully released yet. this being the case, the datasheets and user guides associated with these parts are not finalized and are in preliminary stages. I will send you a PM with more details.



  • Ilmars said:
    this is what I see here - that TI rely on amateurs rather than give professional help here.

    Well, it is the engineer-to-engineer forum, not the TI-to-eingineer forum (well TI'er may be engineers too :) )
    If a question can be used by a 'normal' user, why should a Ti engineer pop-in? I don't think there are any TI engineers specifically dedicated to the forum. However, if a question remains unanswered, usually an 'official' pops in and either gives an answer or tries to fetch one from those who know it but don't visit the forum. In this case, some days may pass until he/she gets a response and can post it here. Writing a 'I'll ask someone and will report back' post is usually not posted. When the answer comes, it comes.

    And you already noticed that quite often, the one asking a question is a TI employee himself. :)

    unfortunately, I don't have anything to say about the original question (lack of experience with the FR parts). :(

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