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MSP430 command line programming

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5739, MSP430F2274


I have my own circuit with MSP430FR5739 and trough a connector I program/debug it through  MSP-FET430UIF

At the moment  I can debug with Code Composer Studio with no problems and I am able program it with SmartRF Flash Programmer or Elprotronic FET-Pro430 Lite Software 

My need is to program MSP430FR5739 through command line in a batch file but I have these problems:

- MSP430Flasher does not work with MSP-FET430UIF apparently (I tried all the options)

- SmartRFProgConsole (command line interface for SmartRF Flash Programmer) seems not supporting MSP430, according to the documented options for target

- Elprotronic FET-Pro430 Lite does not have a command line interface

Is there a solution for this problem?



  • Andrea Cappelli said:
    MSP430Flasher does not work with MSP-FET430UIF apparently (I tried all the options)

    It should work.

    What options are you passing on command line?

    Try run it as Windows "Administrator" and allow it to upgrade FET firmware, if needed.



  • This is command line

    MSP430Flasher.exe -n MSP430FR5739 -w "MyFile.txt" -z [VCC] -v -g 

    with all combination for

    -m AUTO or JTAG


    -i USB or TIUSB or COM of UIF

    produced error follows:

    # ERROR 1014: Could not initialize device interface

    or, in case I specified COM port, 

    # ERROR 1014: Could not communicate with FET

    It never asked me to upgrade firmware and I run as administrator

    Thanks in advance


  • Andrea Cappelli said:
    - Elprotronic FET-Pro430 Lite does not have a command line interface

    Right, the free verison doesn't. But you can start it with a parameter to load a specific config file that contains the filename and other settings, so you only need to hit the 'go' button.
    The full version is fully scriptable.

  • Do you still have CCS or Elprotronic open while running the Flasher? I have seen programs fight over control of the FET tool before, which is why I ask.

    Do you know which version of the Flasher you have? The latest version released in July is 1.2.2 and is available for download here:



  • Hello Katie,

    I have read a number of the posts about the MSP430Flasher.exe and you seem to know quite a bit about it.

    I am having a problem programming a .hex file with the MSP430Flasher.exe command app. I use the same command line with the .txt file and everything works fine. I change the command line to .hex instead of .txt and the error message that the file failed to open is generated and the app does not program the device.

    I get the .hex file and .txt file by reading a device that has already been programmed using the MSP430Flasher.exe. That works fine.

    Thanks for your help, -steve-

  • Steve Plourde said:

    I get the .hex file and .txt file by reading a device that has already been programmed using the MSP430Flasher.exe....

    Did you examine the .hex file? Do you see a lot of lines that are of equal line length, and some lines one character shorter? Those one character shorter lines are wrong. There is a '0' missing at second to last of those lines. See:

  • hello old_cow_yellow,

    Thanks for the info. The file was exactly as you described. I will look for the new release and try again.

    Thanks again, 


  • Hi,

    To comment on the original problem:

    Katie is right, you should make sure that the debugger is not used by another tool. If there is an active debug session, the red "MODE" LED should be on. In that case, close the debug session and retry running MSP430 Flasher.


    The issue with missing padding zeroes in Intel-Hex file checksums has been resolved in the MSP Debug Stack v3.4.1.0. The MSP430 Flasher version to include this fixed MSP Debug Stack is v1.3.1. You can download it here.

    Best Regards,


  • question


    When running MSPFlasher.exe -n MSP430UIF i get an error when accessing the device.

    It states: Exit:16

    Error Unknown device


    Is there any information on what this means?




  • Hi Gary,

    Gary Gasser said:

    When running MSPFlasher.exe -n MSP430UIF i get an error when accessing the device.

    It states: Exit:16

    Error Unknown device

    What MSP430 device are you trying to program with the flasher utility? The device number is what should go after -n, not the name of the tool. E.g. even if you are using the MSP-FET430UIF to program an MSP430F2274 device, when you call the flasher program you would need to provide the name of the device, not the tool: MSPFlasher.exe -n MSP430F2274

    I think the reason it is giving you an unknown device error is because there is no MSP430 device called MSP430UIF, so this isn't matching any entry that it knows. You'll just need to fix your call to run the program to include the correct name for the particular MSP430 device you are trying to program.



  • Katie,


    Thanks,  I did notice this and changed the name to the actual device m430F5418A.  This did not change anything.  I am looking to see how I am connected to the device from the Flasher now.




  • Hi Gary,

    Gary Gasser said:
    I am looking to see how I am connected to the device from the Flasher now

    That sounds like a good place to look next. If you are unable to get it working and are stuck, maybe post back with a drawing/schematic of your JTAG/SBW connections to the MSP-FET430UIF tool, information on how you are powering the board, and the full command line statement you are using and what the response is (screenshot maybe). Best of luck.



  • if I want to power the board under test with the FLASHER what pin gets connected to 3.3volts on the Flaser?


  • So if you are wanting to supply power from your FET tool to your target board (meaning that you have no other power sources like a battery connected to the target board), then you need to connect the FET tool pin 2 to the MSP430 DVCC. Please see figures 2-1 through 2-3 (depending on your device and setup) and check the connections in detail - this is a very common place that people make mistakes. One more note is to make sure you've correctly identified which pin is pin 1 on the FET tool and your JTAG header so it isn't flipped around.



  • Is there a picture some where that shows which pin is pin 1 on the FET?  That is something that I have been looking for.


  • If I just send the command


    MSP430Flasher.exe -n  MSO430F5418A -z [VCC=3100]


    should this access the device and not return the exit: 16 statement?



  • I am getting error codes when installing the FET drivers

    Error running C:\TI\fetdrivers\emulation\drivers\msp430\DPInst\DPinst.exe /q /se /sa /path "C:\TI\fetdrivers\emulation\drivers\msp430\USB_VCP_Win7_32" : Program ended with an error exit code


    What can I do to get the FET drivers to install correcty?




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