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MSP430FR5739 RTC example

Hello all,

            I know that 2 posts similar to this title    and

are already posted. But I couldnt get complete info about configuring RTC.

         So, I'm posting here.  I'm using MSPExp-430-FR5739 board. I have read the user guide and about RTC_B.

Since there is no crystal on my exp board, I have sourced the ACLK from the VLOCLK. (I know freq is high, but I just want to generate an interrupt). Since only calendar mode is available with RTC_B, I have configured it as follows:

Here is the code excerpt:

// These 2 lines are not needed 

// PJSEL0 |= BIT2; // ACLK on PJ.2 as ternary function

// PJSEL1 |= BIT2;

// configuring ACLK
CSCTL1 |= DCOFSEL0 + DCOFSEL1;                     // Set max. DCO setting
CSCTL2 |=SELA__VLOCLK;                                   // ACLK= VLOCLK

// Configure RTC_B
// RTC enable, BCD mode, RTC hold
// enable RTC read ready interrupt
// enable RTC time event interrupt
// RTC alarm interrupt enable

// implementing an alarm 4 sec later.
RTCYEAR = 0x2010;          // Year = 0x2010
RTCMON = 0x4;               // Month = 0x04 = April
RTCDAY = 0x05;              // Day = 0x05 = 5th
RTCDOW = 0x01;           // Day of week = 0x01 = Monday
RTCHOUR = 0x10;          // Hour = 0x10
RTCMIN = 0x32;              // Minute = 0x32
RTCSEC = 0x56;           // Seconds = 0x56

RTCADOWDAY = 0x1;            // RTC Day of week alarm = 0x1
RTCADAY = 0x05;               // RTC Day Alarm = 0x05
RTCAHOUR = 0x10;              // RTC Hour Alarm
RTCAMIN = 0x33;                  // RTC Minute Alarm

RTCCTL01 &= ~(RTCHOLD);         // Start RTC calendar mode

// Global interrupt is enabled  then I have the ISR.
The problem is that I'am not able to generate the interrupt. I tried to look at the reg values but everything seems ok!
Can anyone please check this piece of code and please reply? Any hints as to where the prob is ?
I have checked the example code for F5438 in the links above, but not able to understand what is the prob in my code.
I'm an amateur with RTC but I have read the module in detail from  User guide.
Please give some inputs. I appreciate . Thanking You in advance.
  • alex12 said:
    Since there is no crystal on my exp board, I have sourced the ACLK from the VLOCLK.

    But the RTC_B is not using ACLK as source. It directly uses the crystal oscillator, and for a reason.

    The RTC_A on F5438 has a selectable clock source, as it is alternatively used as a timer. But the RTC_B doesn't.

    No crystal, no clock.

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