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MSP430F5308 UART BSL Problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5308

When i doing the FW upgrade in MSP430F5308 base on the way of slaa535, it works well when i use the launchpad as the bridge between PC side and the target MSP430F5308, and the normal feedback from MSP430 will be message of "{80} {02} {00} {3b} {00} {60} {c4}"

But when i replace the lunchpad to my real system main chip(ARM base MPU) doing the FW upgrade, it has a big chance to be fail, and the feedback message from MSP430 will be "{80} {02} {00} {3b} {00} {60} {23}"

i check the baud rate on osciallscope, it is exact 9600bit/s, and the byte to byte interval is approx 1.3ms,

is there any timing issue cause the failure or something i miss?

  • Hi,

    it seems that the checksum part of the reply from the MSP430F5308 is corrupted. Did you see the packet with debugger on your main chip? Have you also tried to use somekind of USB-to-UART cable to see whether this is really what the MSP430 is sending out? I usually do that to do double check.

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