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I've got an Application Developer for the eZ430-RF2500, and I want to examine the traffic transmission and reception, I'm trying to use the SmartRF Studio, Version 6, but the software does not recognize the tool, when I connect it says: "No chip - New device" in the " Current Status ". in "Port Name" says: HID 0002: COM. and "device name" says MSP430F2274.
yet fail to recognize or not to show the transmission and reception of packets, or change the encoding or modulation, as shown for other devices.
The tranceiver is cc2500, but shows nothing ..... "What i can do?
I thnk the only use for the Smart RF studio with the EZ430-RF2500 is to create radio setting header files for SimpliciTI. The program seems to only support the more expensive dev kits directly.
But ... if SmartRF supports more expensive equipment, such as
that appears in the list of "alleged" supported devices
So how do you that say wiht the simpliciTI?
Now I'm using the SmartRF studio 7.1.0 and I get a dialog box that says:
"Unknown RF device: MSP430F2274.
Why Does the device is not supported?, If shown as permitted cc2500
What meaning this message?
MebalEb (USB device ID=ffff, Firmware revision=0000), -- MSP430F2274
in the smartRF Studio 7.1.
How to solve this?
That board is not supported actually in Studio. The following list are the supported debugger boards that you can use:
SmartRf04Eb, SmartRf05EB, CC-Debugger and the MSP-FET430UIF.
In the case of CC2500 you need to use the SmartRF04EB as debugger with the CC2500EM connected. Hope this helps.
What software can I to use to study the traffic of RF of kit development tool ez430 rf2500????
help me!!
buenas dias
como es que ahora sacan una version de SmartRF Studio que supuestamente es mas nueva, se supone que va a soportar mas pero me aparece el siguiente mensaje: (version smartRF Studio: salio el 5 de mayo
Unknown EB (Virtual COM Port=COMffffffffffffffff, Firmware revision=, -- MSP430F2274
al conectar el dispositivo: microcontrolador MSP 430--->> del kit de desarrollo eZ430-RF2500 que contiene integrado el CC2500 se supone que debería soportarlo, ya que esta en la lista de dispositivos que soporta el software SmartRF Studio. ademas, ¿¿Cómo es que reconoce el MSP430??. deberias dejarlo operar
en la version anterior salia este mensaje parece que reconocia mas que en la version actual, mostraba al menos el Virtual COM Port y el Mebal EB, ademas, ¿¿por que en al smartRF Flash Programer, si es reconocido, como MSP 430??.
(version smartRF Studio: salio el 19 de abril
MebalEb (USB device ID=ffff, Firmware revision=0000), -- MSP430F2274
alguien me puede ayudar con algún software que me que me permita estudiar el trafico en radiofrecuencia del el kit de desarrollo eZ430-RF2500.
good morning
now they release a version of SmartRF Studio which is supposedly newer, is supposed to support more but I get the following message:
(version smartRF Studio: 5 de may
Unknown EB (Virtual COM Port=COMffffffffffffffff, Firmware revision=, -- MSP430F2274
I connecting the device: microcontroller
MSP 430 --->> development kit containing in eZ430-RF2500 that integrated the CC2500, we assume that should support,
because that is in the list of devices that supports SmartRF Studio software. besides, how is that it recognizes the MSP430?. leave should operate,
in the previous version came out this message appears which recognized more than in the current version, showed at least, Besides, why in the smartRF Flash Programer, if recognized, as MSP430 ?.
(version smartRF Studio: salio el 19 de abril
MebalEb (USB device ID=ffff, Firmware revision=0000), -- MSP430F2274
anyone can help me with software that allows me to study the traffic in the development
kit radiofrequency eZ430-RF2500.
The EZ430-RF2500 was designed as an easy way to get started on evaluating a Low power RF design. So it cannot do everything the more expensive development kits do, such as packet sniffing. I believe this is because the ez430 uses Spy-by-wire which is not as capable as the full 4 wire JTAG interface used by the other development boards. If you want to do more complex functions, you will need to get one of the units fully supported by RF Studio. Those units are SmartRf04Eb, SmartRf05EB, CC-Debugger and the MSP-FET430UIF.
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