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DC MOTOR CONTROL MSP430g2553 family

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: L293D, CODECOMPOSER, MSP430G2553, L293

hello,my task is DC motor control in CODECOMPOSER by using msp430 ,model of G2553 and the target is making the motor in two direction,forward and backword also by  using Pwm to turn that motor slow and fast by using buttons.Can you help me to write that in code composer.The  MOTOR driver is   L293D.

THANKS A LOT.I have a written code here but i am not sure about it,can somebody check it or help me with that code.

#include <msp430.h> 
/* main.c
 * Motor control using L293D
#define MOTOR_1_EN      BIT6
#define MOTOR_1_DIR1    BIT3
#define MOTOR_1_DIR2    BIT4
#define MOTOR_1_DIR     (MOTOR_1_DIR1 | MOTOR_1_DIR2)
#define MOTOR_1_PINS    (MOTOR_1_DIR1 | MOTOR_1_DIR2 | MOTOR_1_EN)
#define STOP_BTN BIT3
#define LOW_SPD_BTN BIT6
#define NORMAL_SPD      1
#define HIGH_SPD        2
#define LOW_SPD         3
#define FOWARD          1
#define BACKWARD        2
#define STOP 3
int motor_state = STOP;
int speed_state = NORMAL_SPD;
int count = 0;
void initialise()
/*** Watchdog timer and clock Set-Up ***/
    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
DCOCTL = 0;             // Select lowest DCOx and MODx
BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ;   // Set range
DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ;   // Set DCO step + modulation
/*** GPIO MOTOR Set-Up ***/
P2SEL  &= ~MOTOR_1_EN;          // Clear P2.6 in P2SEL  (by default Xin)
P2SEL2 &= ~MOTOR_1_EN;          // Clear P2.6 in P2SEL2
    P2DIR  |=  MOTOR_1_PINS;        // P2.3,P2.4,P2.6 all output
    P2OUT  &= ~MOTOR_1_PINS;        // Clear P2.3,P2.4,P2.6
    /*** GPIO BUTTON Set-Up ***/
    P1DIR  |=  0X01;                //set all bits in P1 to input except BIT0
    /*** Timer0_A Set-Up ***/
    TA0CCR0  |= 12; // Counter value 1ms
    TA0CCTL0 |= CCIE; // Enable Timer0_A interrupts
    TA0CTL   |= TASSEL_1 + MC_1;    // ACLK, Up Mode (Counts to TA0CCR0)
    _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter Low power mode 0 with interrupts enabled
void PWM_control_motor_1(speed_state)
if(speed_state == HIGH_SPD)
count = 0;
if(speed_state == NORMAL_SPD)
if(count == 5)
count = 0;
if(speed_state == LOW_SPD)
if(count == 10)
   count = 0;
void motor_1_rotate_foward()
P2OUT |=  MOTOR_1_DIR1; // P2.3 = 1
P2OUT &= ~MOTOR_1_DIR2; // P2.4 = 0
void motor_1_rotate_backward()
P2OUT &= ~MOTOR_1_DIR1; // P2.3 = 0
P2OUT |=  MOTOR_1_DIR2; // P2.4 = 1
void motor_1_stop_rotate()
P2OUT &= ~MOTOR_1_DIR; // P2.3 = 0, P2.4 = 0
void motor_1_action(motor_state)
if(motor_state == STOP)
else if(motor_state == FOWARD)
else if(motor_state == BACKWARD)
int main(void)
 if((P1IN & NORMAL_SPD_BTN) == 0)
 speed_state = NORMAL_SPD;
 if((P1IN & HIGH_SPD_BTN) == 0)
 speed_state = HIGH_SPD;
 if((P1IN & LOW_SPD_BTN) == 0)
 speed_state = LOW_SPD;
 if((P1IN & FOWARD_BTN) == 0)
 motor_state = FOWARD;
 if((P1IN & BACKWARD_BTN) == 0)
 motor_state = BACKWARD;
 if((P1IN & STOP_BTN) == 0)
 motor_state = STOP;
#pragma vector=TIMER0_A0_VECTOR     // Timer0 A0 interrupt service routine
__interrupt void Timer0_A0 (void)
  • datasheet does not mention anything about pwm and that it only show two settings when doing bidirectional:  on or faststop
    Tells me that this IC is not a good one for speed control.
    But try pwm the pin you have set to high for motor going in in one direction, pwm enable may also work.

  • Tony Philipsson said:
    ... this IC is not a good one for speed control ..

    My concern is, is the motor used a good one for speed control?

    Some (DC) motors just deliver torque and produce back-EMF. It rotational speed is the result the balance between torque vs. load-resistance and between applied voltage vs. back-EMF.

    MSP430G2553 and L293 can be used to control the direction and effective voltage applied to the motor. For example:

    (1) Initially from power-up, set EN low and no voltage are applied to the motor.

    (2) To start motor clockwise, first set 1A low, send 2A a PWM with a suitable duty cycle and then set EN high.

    (3) To change speed (still in the same direction), change the PWM duty cycle.

    (4) To stop or in preparation of change direction, set EN low.

    (5) To start motor counter-clockwise, first set 1A high, send 2A a PWM with a suitable duty cycle and then set EN high.

    (6) To change speed (still in the same direction), change the PWM duty cycle.

    (7) To stop or in preparation of change direction, set EN low.

    Note that the duty-cycle in (2)(3) should be the compliment of that in (5)(6).

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