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I'm Using the FRAM Utility Library version I just got all the files to compile and all seems ok until I come out of LPM3.5. I'm having problem getting my target to operate properly after coming out of LPM3.5, one of my peripheral devices, which was powered off is not communicating with the micro (FR5969) so I'm following the debugging advice in section 2.2.2 of the manual and defining CTPL_LPM_DEBUG in the Assembler Preprocessor window under IAR Embedded Workbench (IAR Assembler for MSP430 6.40.1 (
The problem I ran into is errors in ctpl_low_level.s43.
Building configuration: target - Debug
Updating build tree...
Error[431]: Accessing SFR using incorrect size \fram_utils\ctpl_low_level.s43 127
Error[431]: Accessing SFR using incorrect size \fram_utils\ctpl_low_level.s43 127
Error[50]: Undefined symbol:'__STACK_END' \fram_utils\ctpl_low_level.s43 127
Error[50]: Undefined symbol:'lpmDebug_return' \fram_utils\ctpl_low_level.s43 127
Error[444]: PC offset must be even. \fram_utils\ctpl_low_level.s43 127
Error[444]: PC offset must be even. \fram_utils\ctpl_low_level.s43 127
Error while running Assembler
Total number of errors: 6
Total number of warnings: 0
Here's the MACRO code:
; Allow debugging in LPMx.5 by emulating wakeup lpmDebug MACRO #if defined(CTPL_LPM_DEBUG) movx.a #CTPL_RAM_START,R4 ; fill dst movx.a #(__STACK_END-CTPL_RAM_START),R5 ; fill length movx.a #0xffff,R6 ; fill value fillx R4,R5,R6 ; fill RAM contents with 0xffff LOCAL lpmDebug_top
So I defined __STACK_END as 2400h since CTPL_RAM_START was defined as 1c00h. This didn't fix the issue. The naming of __STACK_END is ???? Isn't the end of the stack the same place the RAM starts, since the stack starts at the top of RAM and works down?
I didn't see anyone else having this issue. Please help.
Hi Jim,
I'm able to reproduce the same errors you're seeing in IAR. I need to get a better understanding of the issue and will continue to look into this next week. I'll be sure to keep you updated with any findings or fixes.
Brent Peterson
Hi Jim,
It looks like there were a few errors in translating the CTPL_LPM_DEBUG code from CCS assembly syntax to IAR. The attached "ctpl_low_level_macros.m43" should now be correct, I'm able to compile and run it on my system. Can you please try to compile with the attached version and let me know if this fixes the issue on your end?
Thank you,
Brent Peterson
; Call statement for different code models callx MACRO src #if defined(__LARGE_CODE_MODEL__) calla src #else call src #endif ENDM ; Return statement for different code models retx MACRO #if defined(__LARGE_CODE_MODEL__) reta #else ret #endif ENDM ; Define DMA if using DMA3 #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_DMAX_3__) __MSP430_HAS_DMA__ EQU 1 #endif ; Macro for performing copy with either CPU or DMA copyx MACRO src, dst, len #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_DMAX_3__) clr.b &DMA0CTL_L ; sw trigger, channel 0 movx.a src,&DMA0SA ; set src address movx.a dst,&DMA0DA ; set dst address rra.w len ; divide length by 2 mov.w len, &DMA0SZ ; set copy size mov.w #DMASWDW+DMADT_1+DMASRCINCR_3+DMADSTINCR_3+DMAEN+DMAREQ,&DMA0CTL ; trigger DMA copy #else LOCAL ctpl_copyLoop ctpl_copyLoop: movx.w @src+, 0(dst) ; copy stack word and increment src ptr addx.a #2,dst ; increment dst ptr subx.a #2,len ; decrement stack usage jnz ctpl_copyLoop ; loop if usage > 0 #endif ENDM ; Macro for performing fill with either CPU or DMA fillx MACRO dst, len, val #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_DMA__) movx.w val,0(dst) ; fill first value clr.b &DMA0CTL_L ; sw trigger, channel 0 movx.a dst,&DMA0SA ; set src address movx.a dst,&DMA0DA ; set dst address rra.w len ; divide length by 2 mov.w len, &DMA0SZ ; set fill size mov.w #DMASWDW+DMADT_1+DMASRCINCR_0+DMADSTINCR_3+DMAEN+DMAREQ,&DMA0CTL ; trigger DMA fill #else LOCAL ctpl_fillLoop ctpl_fillLoop: movx.w val,0(dst) ; fill dst addx.a #2,dst ; increment dst ptr subx.a #2,len ; decrement stack usage jnz ctpl_fillLoop ; loop if usage > 0 #endif ENDM ; Macro for configuring DCO for shutdown configureDcoShutdown MACRO div #if defined(__MSP430FR2XX_4XX_FAMILY__) bic.w #SCG0,SR ; disable FLL mov.w #DIVM__32+DIVS__1,&CSCTL3 ; Set maximum dividers mov.w #DCORSEL_3,&CSCTL1 ; Set DCO 8MHz clr.w &CSCTL4 ; Source MCLK and SMCLK from DCO mov.b div,&CSCTL5_L ; Set timeout dividers #elif defined(__MSP430FR57XX_FAMILY__) mov.b #CSKEY_H,&CSCTL0_H ; Unlock CS registers mov.w #DIVM__32+DIVS__32,&CSCTL3 ; Set maximum dividers mov.w #DCOFSEL_3,&CSCTL1 ; Set DCO 8MHz mov.w #SELM_3+SELS_3,&CSCTL2 ; Source MCLK and SMCLK from DCO mov.b div,&CSCTL3_L ; Set timeout dividers clr.b &CSCTL0_H ; Lock CS registers #elif defined(__MSP430FR5XX_6XX_FAMILY__) mov.b #CSKEY_H,&CSCTL0_H ; Unlock CS registers mov.w #DIVM__32+DIVS__32,&CSCTL3 ; Set maximum dividers mov.w #DCOFSEL_6,&CSCTL1 ; Set DCO 8MHz mov.w #SELM_3+SELS_3,&CSCTL2 ; Source MCLK and SMCLK from DCO mov.b div,&CSCTL3_L ; Set timeout dividers clr.b &CSCTL0_H ; Lock CS registers #endif ENDM ; Macro for configuring DCO for wakeup configureDcoWakeup MACRO #if defined(__MSP430FR2XX_4XX_FAMILY__) bic.w #SCG0,SR ; disable FLL mov.w #DCORSEL_2,&CSCTL1 ; set DCO to 4MHz (maximum boot freq) #elif defined(__MSP430FR57XX_FAMILY__) mov.b #CSKEY_H,&CSCTL0_H ; unlock CS registers mov.w #DIVM__2,&CSCTL3 ; set DCO to 4MHz (maximum boot freq) clr.b &CSCTL0_H ; lock CS registers #elif defined(__MSP430FR5XX_6XX_FAMILY__) mov.b #CSKEY_H,&CSCTL0_H ; unlock CS registers mov.w #DIVM__2,&CSCTL3 ; set DCO to 4MHz (maximum boot freq) clr.b &CSCTL0_H ; lock CS registers #endif ENDM ; Macro for toggling the CTPL benchmark pin. benchmark MACRO #if defined(CTPL_BENCHMARK) xor.b #CTPL_BENCHMARK_PIN,&CTPL_BENCHMARK_OUT #endif ENDM ; Define RTCIFG if not defined (FR2XX and FR4XX) #if defined(__MSP430FR2XX_4XX_FAMILY__) #if !defined(RTCIFG) RTCIFG EQU RTCIF #endif #endif ; Macro to check for GPIO interrupt event lpmDebug_port MACRO PXIE, PXIFG mov.w &PXIE,R4 ; Get enabled interrupts and.w &PXIFG,R4 ; Check set interrupt flags tst.w R4 ; Test if any interrupts were triggered jne lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function ENDM ; Macro to check for RTC interrupt event lpmDebug_rtc MACRO mov.b &RTCCTL,R4 ; Load RTC control register and.b #(RTCIE+RTCIFG),R4 ; Mask bits cmp.b #(RTCIE+RTCIFG),R4 ; Check RTC IE and IFG are both set jeq lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function ENDM ; Macro to check for RTC_B interrupt event lpmDebug_rtc_b MACRO mov.b &RTCCTL01_L,R4 ; Load RTC_B control 01 register rrum.w #4,R4 ; Shift right bit.b R4,&RTCCTL01_L ; Mask IFG bits jne lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function mov.b &RTCPS0CTL_L,R4 ; Load RTC_B prescale 0 register and.b #(RT0PSIE+RT0PSIFG),R4 ; Mask bits cmp.b #(RT0PSIE+RT0PSIFG),R4 ; Check RTC_B IE and IFG are both set jeq lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function mov.b &RTCPS1CTL_L,R4 ; Load RTC_B prescale 1 register and.b #(RT1PSIE+RT1PSIFG),R4 ; Mask bits cmp.b #(RT1PSIE+RT1PSIFG),R4 ; Check RTC_B IE and IFG are both set jeq lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function ENDM ; Macro to check for RTC_C interrupt event lpmDebug_rtc_c MACRO mov.b &RTCCTL0_L,R4 ; Load RTC_C control 0 register rrum.w #4,R4 ; Shift right bit.b R4,&RTCCTL0_L ; Mask IFG bits jne lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function mov.b &RTCPS0CTL_L,R4 ; Load RTC_C prescale 0 register and.b #(RT0PSIE+RT0PSIFG),R4 ; Mask bits cmp.b #(RT0PSIE+RT0PSIFG),R4 ; Check RTC_C IE and IFG are both set jeq lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function mov.w &RTCPS1CTL_L,R4 ; Load RTC_C prescale 1 register and.b #(RT1PSIE+RT1PSIFG),R4 ; Mask bits cmp.b #(RT1PSIE+RT1PSIFG),R4 ; Check RTC_C IE and IFG are both set jeq lpmDebug_return ; Jump to return function ENDM ; Allow debugging in LPMx.5 by emulating wakeup lpmDebug MACRO #if defined(CTPL_LPM_DEBUG) movx.a #CTPL_RAM_START,R4 ; fill dst movx.a #(SFE(CSTACK)-CTPL_RAM_START),R5 ; fill length movx.a #0xffff,R6 ; fill value fillx R4,R5,R6 ; fill RAM contents with 0xffff LOCAL lpmDebug_top LOCAL lpmDebug_return lpmDebug_top: #if defined(PAIFG) lpmDebug_port PAIE,PAIFG ; Check PORTA IFG's #endif #if defined(PBIFG) lpmDebug_port PBIE,PBIFG ; Check PORTB IFG's #endif #if defined(PCIFG) lpmDebug_port PCIE,PCIFG ; Check PORTC IFG's #endif #if defined(PDIFG) lpmDebug_port PDIE,PDIFG ; Check PORTD IFG's #endif #if defined(PEIFG) lpmDebug_port PEIE,PEIFG ; Check PORTE IFG's #endif #if defined(PFIFG) lpmDebug_port PFIE,PFIFG ; Check PORTF IFG's #endif #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_RTC__) lpmDebug_rtc ; Check RTC IFG's #endif #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_RTC_B__) lpmDebug_rtc_b ; Check RTC_B IFG's #endif #if defined(__MSP430_HAS_RTC_C__) lpmDebug_rtc_c ; Check RTC_C IFG's #endif jmp lpmDebug_top ; Jump to top lpmDebug_return: mov.b #PMMPW_H,&PMMCTL0_H ; Unlock PMM registers mov.w #PMMLPM5IFG,&PMMIFG ; Set LPMx.5 wakeup flag mov.b #0,&PMMCTL0_H ; Lock PMM registers mov.w #0x0FFFE,R4 ; Reset vector mov.w @R4,PC ; Jump to reset vector #endif ENDM #if defined(__MSP430FR2XX_4XX_FAMILY__) ; Define FRWPPW if not defined (FR2XX and FR4XX) #if !defined(FRWPPW) FRWPPW EQU 0 #endif RSEG DATA16_P:DATA:SORT:NOROOT(1) ctpl_stateFRAM: DC16 0 RSEG CODE:CODE ; Macro for unlocking FRAM. unlockFRAM MACRO mov.w &SYSCFG0,R15 ; Save FRAM state and.w #(BIT1+BIT0),R15 ; Mask out other bits mov.w #FRWPPW,&SYSCFG0 ; Unlock FRAM mov.w R15,&ctpl_stateFRAM ; Save state to FRAM ENDM ; Macro for restoring FRAM state. restoreFRAM MACRO mov.w &ctpl_stateFRAM,R15 ; Restore state fram FRAM bis.w #FRWPPW,R15 ; Set FRAM password bits mov.w R15,&SYSCFG0 ; Restore FRAM state ENDM #else ; Macro for unlocking FRAM. unlockFRAM MACRO ENDM ; Macro for restoring FRAM state. restoreFRAM MACRO ENDM #endif
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