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MSP430FR5969: BSL-scripter tool not working with MSP-FET

Part Number:


I'm not able to get BSL-scripter tool work with MSP-FET to program my MSP430FR5969 board.

MSPFlasher and CCS are working fine on the board via MSP-FET's JTAG. Spy-bi-wire using Launchpad is also working fine on the board.

My script is:


DELAY 1000

(COM4 is the MSP Application UART1 port)




MSP_FET's GND --> Gnd

MSP_FET's RST -->  RST/NMI (on the board RST/NMI is coupled to GND via a 1nF Cap and connected to VCC via a 47K resistor).


Board is independently powered.

Since I need to lock the JTAG, getting BSL interface working is important to erase and reprogram later - will appreciate any help to get this working.



  • Hi Jay,

    If the board is independently powered then this supply voltage should connect to the MSP_FET's VCC_TARGET (pin 4).  Otherwise, your physical connections appear to be correct.

    How do you know that the BSL scripter is not working with the script provided?  The program will return an ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE with the MASS_ERASE command or an incorrect password from RX_PASSWORD.  You also need to provide a correct password before the BSL will allow you to make changes to the main memory.  Attached is an example that works on my setup.

    Regards, Ryan

  • Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for your response. I will connect board power to VCC_TARGET and try.

    Sorry I forgot to attach the console screen shot showing the error message - attaching  below.



  • Hi Ryan,

    Now strangely, if I run the bsl-scripter multiple times the MASS_ERASE command seems to be working after several trials. The ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE is appearing always - even when the MASS_ERASE works.


  • Jay,

    I already told you that this is expected behavior as the MSP will not give an expected response after its main memory has been erased. What's important is that the device can be accessed and written to afterwards, which depends on the RX_PASSWORD, RX_DATA_BLOCK, and SET_PC commands.

  • Ryan,

    The problem with mass erase in my case is that it is not working consistently - it works only after several attempts (I know this since a program was loaded into the FRAM via JTAG). Your point regarding the error message on MASS_ERASE is noted.

    After a successful mass erase when I try to write a program via BSL I'm still getting the same ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE on all the commands. After mass erase I am using the default password - I've copied the password command/default password file from the zip you provided.

    I am attaching the screen shots of the password command and the RX_DATA_BLOCK command's error message. Although the actual code size is more than 10KB only 314 bytes were written.


    MODE FRxx UART 9600 COM4
    RX_PASSWORD password_wrong.txt
    DELAY 2000
    RX_PASSWORD password_default.txt
    RX_DATA_BLOCK program.txt



    Password command output:

    RX_DATA_BLOCK command output:

  • Sending the default password should return successfully, if this never happens then a connection issue could still be present.

  • Jayaraj Poroor said:

    Part Number: MSP430FR5969

    I'm not able to get BSL-scripter tool work with MSP-FET to program my MSP430FR5969 board.

    MSPFlasher and CCS are working fine on the board via MSP-FET's JTAG. Spy-bi-wire using Launchpad is also working fine on the board.

    BTW, why you need BSL at all? FR5969 can be locked and unlocked (mailbox mass erase) by SBW / JTAG.

  • Thanks for your response.

    For code protection I was thinking of locking out JTAG (lock without password) and then using BSL to mass erase in case I need to reprogram (which also resets the JTAG lock).

    Of course I can set the JTAG password instead of locking it out - but JTAG does not seem to have the BSL security feature of automatically erasing the memory in case of invalid password attempt. This seems to be a good deterrent against brute force attack.
  • Jayaraj Poroor said:
    Thanks for your response.

    For code protection I was thinking of locking out JTAG (lock without password) and then using BSL to mass erase in case I need to reprogram (which also resets the JTAG lock).

    Of course I can set the JTAG password instead of locking it out - but JTAG does not seem to have the BSL security feature of automatically erasing the memory in case of invalid password attempt. This seems to be a good deterrent against brute force attack.

    On new FRAM devices JTAG / SBW can be locked without password (05555h, 05555h), and than unlocked by JTAG / SBW with erase by mailbox / boot code. There is no reason to mess with BSL.

    Check TOTAL ERASE option for FR58x FR59x FR68x FR69x (01B1Bh) and USER CODE ERASE for FR2xx FR4xx (01A1Ah) on MSP-Flasher or flashing tool that you are using.

  •  If this works then this is the best option. I locked the JTAG without password (MSPFlasher -f option). Then when I tried the ERASE_TOTAL option I'm getting the error "The debug interface to the device has been secured."  (screenshot attached).

    As mentioned in the original post, I'm using MSP430FR5969.

  • Jayaraj Poroor said:

    If this works then this is the best option. I locked the JTAG without password (MSPFlasher -f option). Then when I tried the ERASE_TOTAL option I'm getting the error "The debug interface to the device has been secured."  (screenshot attached).

    As mentioned in the original post, I'm using MSP430FR5969.

    I am using MSP430FR5959 that (I guess) belongs to the same family, and ERASE TOTAL on locked device is working just fine.
    Mailbox is enabled on secured device, and only mailbox is used for unlocking, so don't know to what is this reported error related.
    There is MSP-Flasher line, that total erase was done before accessing device (without errors), so it is OK.
    Why MSP-Flasher can not connect to target device immediately after total erase, I don't know.

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