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I have modified the MSP430F522x_I2C example from the "" to work with MSP430F5528.
I can successfully switch into BSL-Mode by using:
__disable_interrupt(); // disable interrupts
((void ( * )())0x1000)(); // jump to BSL
Now I am trying to use BSL-Scripter to communicate with the BSL and to upload new Firmware to the MSP430F5528.
Unfortunately BSL-Scripter seems to not support I2C BSL for 5xx Microcontrollers:
MODE 5xx I2C 100000 COM7
[ERROR_MESSAGE]The communication protocol chosen is not available for the chosen Family!
if just pretent to have an FR-Type, I receive a failure message but I have veryfied that the password was successfully transmitted:
MODE FRxx I2C 100000 COM7//FRxx
RX_PASSWORD .\pass_default.txt
Read Txt File : C:\ti\ScriptExampleWindows\test\pass_default.txt
Is there any chance to have a BSL-Scripter.exe thtat allows I2C for 5xx?
or am I just using the wrong Family Name?
Hello David,
Thanks for your post. By default, the MSP430F5528 supports USB BSL but can be configured to use UART BSL. Unfortunately, I2C BSL is not supported on this device using the built-in BSL. If I2C BSL is a requirement, then perhaps you should change devices or think about using a Main Memory BSL with I2C BSL support.
MSPBoot – Main Memory Bootloader for MSP430™ Flash Microcontrollers
MSP Customer Applications
Thank you for your reply,
Actually I would like to know if the BSL-Cripter could support a F5xx for I2C, since TI has released a BSL for MSP430F522x.
im MSP430BSL_1_01_00_01 is allready a compiled release "BSL." for MSP430F522x but the BSL-Cripter is refusing to switch to I2C Mode.
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