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I got stuck with the MSP-EXP430FR5739 and tried to unlock it with BSL_Scripter.exe from slau319a, using BSL_Scripter.exe script.txt from "Demo Scripts" 5438_Open_JTAG, but it didn't work.
When setting the communication to USB the result of each line was DONE, and setting the communication to COM10 (which is the assigned COM port of my MSP-EXP430FR5739 board) the results of Mass Erase: and RX Password: have been FAIL(ee), the result of Writing JTAG_UNLOCK.txt to device: was FAIL writing data block starting at 17fc. But the device is still locked.
I assume the MSP430FR5739 needs a special BSL-Scripter. Where do I find it?
the BSL of the FRAM family devices should be similar to the 5xx devices. In this case you should use the 5xx instead 543x_family as the FAMILY parameter of the MODE command. The 5438_Open_JTAG example uses the 543x_family instead the 5xx parameter, so i guess this causes the problem.
Hope this helps.
I used this script.txt:
DELAY 1000
Here the log:
C:\FORTH\MSP430\FRAM\BSL\bsl_scripter.exe script.txt
BSL Scripting application 1.06
The local time is: 15:30 on 03.09.2011
Initializing, Mode: 5xx COM: COM9 DONE
Waiting 1000 milliseconds DONE
Mass Erase: FAIL(ee)
RX Password: FAIL(ee)
Writing JTAG_UNLOCK.txt to device: FAIL writing data block starting at 17fc
I checked the signal at the RXD connector with my oscilloscope, a serial signal was there, but the signal at the TXD connector did not change.
All these tests have been done with the MSP-EXP430FR5739 board, connected to my laptop by the USB cable which was delivered with the box, nothing else attached.
Is there a fail-proof "Repair" program available? I started working with the legacy KIM1 in 1975, and I remember it was easily possible with a little mistake in Code to overwrite most of the RAM, and nothing worked anymore, even reset didn't work - until power off and on again. The problem with FRAM is that this doesn't help, FRAM content doesn't change, I read.
Would be nice to get it running again.
Best Regards,
Meanwhile I found the BSL (MSP430) Wiki at and there it says "The primary document which describes the use of all BSLs is `MSP430 Programming Via the Bootstrap Loader' (SLAU319). This document describes, in detail, all aspects of all BSLs shipped with TI devices. It is the only document required for the creation of a system which will use the TI BSLs for production programming or other purposes." and "TI does not offer directly a specific tool that communicates with the bootstrap loader. The `MSP430 Programming Via the Bootstrap Loader' (SLAU319) includes proven software and a circuit example that can be built easily to interface to the bootstrap loader. This User Guide is available on the MSP430 website,"
I started bsl_scripter.exe script.txt and checked the COM signals. Seems to be the needed signals for TEST, RST, and RXD are generated by using bsl_scripter.exe script.txt.
My conclusion then was I have to build the hardware mentioned in SLAU319 page 31 or some equivalent to use the BSL function.
I have built the appropriate Hardware to apply the TEST, RST, and RXD signals to the MSP-EXP430FR5739 board and tested it with bsl_scripter.exe script.txt.
"Appropriate Hardware" meant I grabbed some parts from my stock and put them together following a schematic I prepared to use these available parts.
Now the BSL works.
Here the resulting log:
C:\FORTH\MSP430\FRAM\BSL\bsl_scripter.exe script.txt
BSL Scripting application 1.06
The local time is: 14:31 on 11.09.2011
Initializing, Mode: 5xx COM: COM1 DONE
Waiting 1000 milliseconds DONE
Mass Erase: DONE
RX Password: DONE
Writing JTAG_UNLOCK.txt to device: FAIL writing data block starting at 17fc
Seems to be the Fail writing data block starting at 17fc didn't matter. The board is running again - with a special adapted FRAM-CamelForth, the ultimate Embedded Real-Time-OS for interactive development!
Thanks for all the great help I got!
Best Regards,
Dirk Bruehl said:... My conclusion then was I have to build the hardware mentioned in SLAU319 page 31 or some equivalent to use the BSL function...
I think your conclusion then was correct. But you also said:
Dirk Bruehl said:... All these tests have been done with the MSP-EXP430FR5739 board, connected to my laptop by the USB cable which was delivered with the box, nothing else attached. ...
I do not think this will work. One reason is, the bsl_cripter.exe cannot control the RST and the TEST pins via this alternative hardware. The other reason is, this alternative hardware does not support parity-bit and BSL requires even-parity.
BTW. I strongly suggest that you do not try to lock or unlock BSL of FR5736. For "Flash based BSL", the 4 bytes of Flash at 0x17FC to 0x17FF can be changed to facilitate lock or unlock. But FR5736 seems to have ROM in those locations.
Sorry, the reason for my actions has been the totally defunct MSP-EXP430FR5739. It was not recognized by IDE's any more. So I took the chance to use the BSL scripter, first assuming I can use it with the MSP-EXP430FR5739 and USB as is, but this didn't work. I studied slau319 and by using the appropriate additional hardware I finally had success. Now as a Consultant I feel free to recommend TI's FRAM microprocessors for interactive rapid development usage.
By the way, when I first read about FRAMs in the late eighties I told my friends it makes sense to invest in this new technology, because this will be part of the future.
I am glad this technology is now available from TI, just two years after I started to work with TI's MSP430.
glad to hear that your problem has been solved.
You are gith about this, unfortunatelly for short term we can not offer any hardware solution for interfacing the MSP430 BSL. However we are planning something for the long term which i can not disclose here.
Meanwhile I have designed a BSL-Interface, consisting of a PCB 2½" x ¾" with one MAX3232, 2 resistors, 5 capacitors, 2 transistors and three connectors (one DB9 for RS232, one 10pin and one 1 pin to connect to the MSP430FR5739 or Launchpad). Works fine using BSL_Scripter.exe.
If you are interested in such a board, please let me know. Circuit Diagram, Layout, and PCB (bare ore populated) are available.
CF430FR is ready, too. Enables to read and write every memory location without restrictions.
Best Regards,
Hi Dirk
Please mail me the circuit diagram and layout to my mail id :
It will be a great help am stuck with my kit:-(
Best Regards
Circuit Diagram, Layout, and PCB (bare ore populated) are available now at
I have developed sort of a "customized BSL" for the MSP-EXP430FR5739 board. It dose not need additional hardware nor PC software. It uses the existing USB to FR5739 UART connection on that board. On the PC, all you need is a terminal emulator (such as the HyperTerminal). I am testing it. Anybody interested?
This is really great news that you found a way to have a BSL without using additional Hardware. Congratulations! That's the way it should be!
I always was wondering why the BSL is not built into the USB interface. Then my idea was, this USB interface hasn't implemented DTR nor RTS, for whatever reason.
I am interested in testing your BSL interface. How can I become a tester for it?
By the way, would this work for the Launchpad, too? That would be really great!
I will post it here in a few days. It has a 474-byte footprint and uses the on-chip UART. This is acceptable for MSP-EXP430FR5739 but not for Launchpad.
I have another custom BSL with 192-byte footprint and uses bit-banging instead of UART. This is okay for LaunchPad. But it needs the PC to send binary bytes (as oppose to ASCII). Do you know an existing program on PC that can do this?
Thanks for your fast response! I appreciate that very much!
Since decades I am using a terminal evaluation which I have written in Win32Forth, using Tom Zimmer's WINSER.F as base, to find in the Win32Forth Demo folder.
It is really no problem to send and receive binary data with it.
Since a while I am working on vF-Terminal, a Windows GUI programmed with visualFORTH specially to use it with Forth on Launchpad and the FRAM board.
I can put it on my BSL-Website for download asap. It should be no problem to download files having a binary code. I will report when it is available.
At the moment I am working on a serial interface for the MSP430G2553 to use it on Launchpad. It has to be a software UART, because the hardware UART has RX and TX crossed.
Thank you!
Could you test my 192-byte BSL for LaunchPad? I will post it tonight under the subject: "Custom BSL for LaunchPad"
Sorry. I had trouble with my LaunchPad.
Here is the @Loader for the MSP-EXP430FR5739 board ==>
Thanks for your note! You don't have to apologize, but I was wondering and thinking I should get a note from you before starting to do something. But really, the last week was totally filled up, because I am working on a Forth promotion.
I opened your and have read your Read_Me.doc.
If I understand correctly, after having loaded your @Loader into the MSP430FR5739, it will be possible to load hex-files in TI msp430-txt format into the MSP430FR5739 simply by using Hyperterminal instead of an IDE or another flashing tool.
To get your @Loader into the MSP430FR5739 a hardware BSL-Interface, such as I made one, could be used.
But as a more convenient way, instead of using a hardware BSL-Interface, IAR's IDE KickStart can be used to assemble, link, and download the source code FR5739EXP_BSL.s43 file.
So, having followed your advice, I do not need the IAR tool anymore nor do I need a hardware BSL converter anyway.
The only thing is I have to have a compiler which compiles my programs and outputs the sourcecode in TI msp430-txt format.
Is that correct?
You understood me perfectly. If you run into any problem, or have suggestions, please let me know.
just to add information regarding the UART BSL Interface. There is a new application note showing how to use Launchpad as the hardware interface for MSP430 UART BSL:
Hi Guarav,
Try this link instead: for the PDF, and this link: for the code that goes with it.
Thanks for this information!
It's a pity that I didn't read this before.
Now there is a new FRAM-MSP in town, the MSP430FR2433 with 16KB FRAM, 4KB RAM.
Will your customized BSL work for this one, too?
Please let me know!
Answers appreciated!
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