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MSP430 Launchpad Rev. 1.4 and EasyDriver and StepperMotor

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553

Hello all,

I am new to the forum and to the MSP430. I have a MSP430 Launchpad Rev. 1.4 and have a couple of questions, regarding a project which I'm currently building. 

I try to build a spectrometer (from this instruction) using a photo transistor and a stepper motor from an old CD-drive. So I have an Easy Driver breakout board to do my dirty job. So I don't use a serial to usb breakout board for communication between my PC and the MSP430 instead I use the launchpad itself and my first question is which jumpers should I remove/change in order to be able to send serial commands to my MSP430 from my PC? Do I have to change the position of TXD and RXD horizontally (the board is Rev 1.4)?  

My second question is that regarding the instruction I have to attach the emitter of the photo-transistor to P1_3, but I've noticed that the MSP430 has a hardware push button named P1_3 do I have to constantly press this button in order to get data from my photoransistor, attached at P1_3?

And my third question is that regarding the instruction I can use the RST (S1) pin as a +3V out is this true and do I have to change the jumpers to be able to use the RST (S1) as a +3V output.

Here is my code. 

//I/O Below
const int StepperMotor = P2_4;
const int StepperDirection = P2_5;
const int Sensors[] = {P1_3}; // Add more sensors here!

//Constants for calibration below!

const double nm = 405; // Known Calibration source Frequency
const double x = 37.65; // Distance of point above the "Screen"
const double D = 50.00; // distance to the "Screen"
const double degreesperstep = 1; // Degrees per step for the stepper motor
const double microstepping = 8; // This allows for you to determine how often you want the Sample to be taken (inverse microstep)
const double mmPerRotation = 2.76; // This is the distance between the two teeth of the spindle which moves the sensor up and down
const double heightofTray = 38.00; // Under estimate this a bit
const double starty = 32.35; //32.35

/////////////////////////Fiddle with the below at your own risk!///////////////////////////////////////////
const double stepsperrotation = 360/degreesperstep;
const double microstepsuntilend = heightofTray/mmPerRotation * stepsperrotation * (microstepping);
const double d = (nm*1e-9)/sin(atan(x/D));
//const double d = 720e-9;//const double x = (nm*1e-9*d);
int wavelengthvIntensity[sizeof(Sensors)-1];
int datafile = 0;
double cnt = 0;
char buf[30];
double tempnm = 0;
double currenty = 0;
const double zero = starty-x;
char ksk = '0';

void setup() {                
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Hah, I forgot to add this in Special thanks to tommy_goh1997 for spotting the bug!
  pinMode(StepperMotor, OUTPUT);     
  pinMode(StepperDirection, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(StepperMotor, LOW);
  digitalWrite(StepperDirection, LOW); //When Restarted the stepper motor will lower the sensor to the lowest.
   for (int i=0;i<sizeof(wavelengthvIntensity);i++) {
     pinMode(Sensors[i], INPUT);
   for (int i = 0; i < microstepsuntilend; i++) {
    digitalWrite(StepperMotor, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(StepperMotor, LOW); 
   digitalWrite(StepperDirection, HIGH);
void loop() {
  if (ksk == '1') {
    ksk = 0;
    cnt = 0;
 while (cnt < microstepsuntilend) {
  for (int i=0;i<sizeof(wavelengthvIntensity)-1;i++) {
    wavelengthvIntensity[i] = analogRead(Sensors[i]);
    Serial.print(", ");
  digitalWrite(StepperMotor, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(StepperMotor, LOW); 
  currenty = zero+((cnt/microstepsuntilend)  * heightofTray);
  tempnm = d*sin(atan((x+currenty)/D))*(1e9);
  digitalWrite(StepperDirection, LOW);
  for (int i = 0; i < microstepsuntilend; i++) {
    digitalWrite(StepperMotor, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(StepperMotor, LOW); 
   digitalWrite(StepperDirection, HIGH);
  ksk =;


P.S. Please excuse my English. I am not a native speaker. 

  • Hello Plamen,

    1. To utilize backchannel UART communication on a MSP-EXP430G2 V1.4 you cannot use the RXD/TXD jumpers in the horizontal or vertical positions, instead you will have to remove the jumpers completely and cross the connections. You can use a PC echo example with a terminal program to verify its operation
    2. Pressing S2 pulls P1.3 to GND, otherwise it remains floating and you can use P1.3 for any purpose so long as S2 is not pressed.
    3. The RST line is pulled up to Vcc by a 47 kOhm resistor and pressing the push button pulls the line to GND to reset the MSP430G2553. It should not be used as a 3V output, the VCC pin can accomplish this task (3.3V as supplied by the eZ430 FET).


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