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MSP432P401R: MSP432P401R- UART transmission

Part Number: MSP432P401R


i  use msp432 for ADC conversions. i want the 14 bit ADC value to be sent to another msp432 through some means somehow. first i tried right shifting by 8 bits and sending it as two 8 bit data. the receiving at the other end was good. now i have to do DAC for which i must send 14 bit ADC data as a whole to a 14 bit DAC IC to have desired result.. how do i make it possible to send data with 14 bit resolution??  ( spi,i2c and UART are limited to 8 bit so suggest some ways to achieve it

thanks and regards,


  • Gopal,

     You can send the 14bit value in the same way that you split up the 14bit ADC data- namely in two 8bit chunks.  The order of bytes and bit alignment within those bytes depends on the DAC you are using.  Since you didn't mention which DAC you're using, I'll use the TI DAC8311 (click for datasheet), which is a low-power single-channel 14bit Digital-to-Analog converter..  Figure 77 of the datasheet shows how to construct the 16bit command word, which includes 2 control bits in the MSbs and the actual data value in the lower 14bits. This DAC uses a 3-wire SPI interface, but sending data via I2C or UART is very similar if you have that kind of interface.

    Driverlib examples illustrating serial transmission for various interfaces is given below:

    • SPI 3-wire:spi_3wire_incrementing_data-master.c
    • UART: uart_pc_echo_12mhz_brclk.c 
    • I2C: i2c_master_w_multibyte-master_code.c

    Hope that helps.



  • Hello sir,

     i am having an ADC data of 14 bit resolution, i am using MAX5123 IC for DAC purpose, its a 12 bit ADC, how can i convert the 14 bit ADC result  to a 12 bit resolution so that i can send it to the DAC IC, please suggest some possible means to attain this,


    is there any way to reduce the ADC resolution from 14 bit to 12 bit??

    Thanks and regards 


  • Just shift right 2 bits, and ignore the 2 LSB's

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