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MSP430F5529: Error initializing emulator: The voltage 1209 value is not correct/allowed for the USB FET

Part Number: MSP430F5529

Hi guys,

I was using my MSP-FET430UIF to program a custom PCB with a MSP430F5529 and everything was going fine when suddenly I got the following error:

Error initializing emulator: The voltage 1209 value is not correct/allowed for the USB FET.

I did a little bit of research about the issue and none of the answers I found apply to my situation. I didn't change anything to the supply voltage and I don't think I made any bad manipulation that could cause this problem. In fact I was debugging a piece of software for the last 2+ hours and there was no problems programming my device then this happened seemingly out of nowhere... I tried with another board and got the same error, is it possible that the usb debug interface is broken? It would be great if someone has a solution to this.



  • Hi Matthieu,

    Can you share a schematic of how the MSP-FET430UIF is connected to the MSP430F5529 on your custom board? Also are you powering the device via the debug probe or is the voltage generated on the custom PCB?

    Best regards,
    Caleb Overbay
  • Here is a schematic for the FET connection. The device is also powered by the board itself. It is worth noting that a coworker used the method as I was for the past month without any problems.


  • Hi Matthieu,

    Thanks for the schematic. It looks like you're properly connecting JTAG. Can you also tell me what capacitance you have on the VCORE pin?

    Matthieu Sylvain said:
    It is worth noting that a coworker used the method as I was for the past month without any problems.

    This could be a situation where you have been operating the device out of spec in some way and are just now starting to experience the issue. 

    Can you try a couple things?

    1. What happens if you try using a different debugger to access the device?
    2. Can you try supplying the MSP430 from the debugger and see if it connects correctly?

    Best regards, 
    Caleb Overbay

  • Hi Caleb,

    I manage to get it working by trying another set of wires for the JTAG, it seems like one of them was broken and was causing the problem! Thanks for the support it is much appreciated!



  • Hi Matthieu,

    Glad to hear there was a simple solution. I'll close this thread but if you have any further questions regarding this issue, replying to this comment will re-open it.

    Best regards,
    Caleb Overbay

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