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Linux/MSP430FR2433: Launchpad behaves not as expected, cannot communicate

Part Number: MSP430FR2433
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, ENERGIA

Tool/software: Linux

I got these 'promo' msp430fr2433 launchpads.

The doc says that it comes pre-flashed with "OutOfBox", and when I power up the board, red LED should flash approx. once in 5 seconds. But in fact, it flashes fast, several times per second, and this pattern does not change when I press J1 or J2 or both. And nothing comes over the backchannel UART.

I try to communicate with it via `mspdebug tilib` on Linux. Mspdebug behaves as if everything goes all right, and the red LED 101 on the probe lights up. I flash the supplied BlinkLED_MSP430FR2433.txt, and it reports no error, but there is no change in the blink pattern.

$ mspdebug tilib --allow-fw-update
MSPDebug version 0.22 - debugging tool for MSP430 MCUs
Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Daniel Beer <>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Found FET: ttyACM0
MSP430_Initialize: ttyACM0
Firmware version is 4294967295
MSP430_VCC: 3000 mV
Device:  (id = 0x0000)
0 breakpoints available
Chip ID data: 03 00 55

Available commands:
    =           erase       isearch     power       save_raw    simio       
    alias       exit        load        prog        set         step        
    break       fill        load_raw    read        setbreak    sym         
    cgraph      gdb         md          regs        setwatch    verify      
    delbreak    help        mw          reset       setwatch_r  verify_raw  
    dis         hexout      opt         run         setwatch_w  

Available options:
    color                       gdb_loop                    
    enable_bsl_access           gdbc_xfer_size              
    enable_locked_flash_access  iradix                      
    fet_block_size              quiet                       

Type "help <topic>" for more information.
Use the "opt" command ("help opt") to set options.
Press Ctrl+D to quit.

(mspdebug) prog BlinkLED_MSP430FR2433.txt
Writing  218 bytes at c400...
Writing    8 bytes at ff80...
Writing   38 bytes at ffda...
Done, 264 bytes total
(mspdebug) regs
    ( PC: 00000)  ( R4: 00000)  ( R8: 00000)  (R12: 00000)  
    ( SP: 00000)  ( R5: 00000)  ( R9: 00000)  (R13: 00000)  
    ( SR: 00000)  ( R6: 00000)  (R10: 00000)  (R14: 00000)  
    ( R3: 00000)  ( R7: 00000)  (R11: 00000)  (R15: 00000)  
    00000: d0 38                     JL      0x01a2
    00002: ab 97 fc 7f               CMP     @R7,    0x7ffc(R11)
    00006: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    00008: 01 00                     MOVA    @PC,    SP
    0000a: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000c: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000e: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
(mspdebug) regs
    ( PC: 00000)  ( R4: 00010)  ( R8: 00000)  (R12: d368da60)  
    ( SP: 00000)  ( R5: 00000)  ( R9: 00000)  (R13: da4cce00)  
    ( SR: 97ab33a8)  ( R6: 00000)  (R10: 00000)  (R14: 00000)  
    ( R3: 97ab3440)  ( R7: 6884cb94)  (R11: d368d560)  (R15: 00010)  
    00000: d0 38                     JL      0x01a2
    00002: ab 97 fc 7f               CMP     @R7,    0x7ffc(R11)
    00006: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    00008: 01 00                     MOVA    @PC,    SP
    0000a: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000c: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000e: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
(mspdebug) regs
    ( PC: 00000)  ( R4: 00010)  ( R8: 00000)  (R12: d368da60)  
    ( SP: 00000)  ( R5: 00000)  ( R9: 00000)  (R13: da4cce00)  
    ( SR: 97ab33a8)  ( R6: 00000)  (R10: 00000)  (R14: 00000)  
    ( R3: 97ab3440)  ( R7: 6884cb94)  (R11: d368d560)  (R15: 00010)  
    00000: d0 38                     JL      0x01a2
    00002: ab 97 fc 7f               CMP     @R7,    0x7ffc(R11)
    00006: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    00008: 01 00                     MOVA    @PC,    SP
    0000a: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000c: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000e: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
(mspdebug) run
Running. Press Ctrl+C to interrupt...
    ( PC: 00000)  ( R4: d368da60)  ( R8: 97ab38d0)  (R12: 00000)  
    ( SP: 6884d065)  ( R5: da4cce00)  ( R9: 00001)  (R13: 00000)  
    ( SR: 46505845)  ( R6: d368da60)  (R10: d366ee00)  (R14: 00002)  
    ( R3: d368d560)  ( R7: 00001)  (R11: d324db8c)  (R15: 00000)  
    00000: d0 38                     JL      0x01a2
    00002: ab 97 fc 7f               CMP     @R7,    0x7ffc(R11)
    00006: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    00008: 01 00                     MOVA    @PC,    SP
    0000a: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000c: 00 00                     BRA     @PC
    0000e: 00 00                     BRA     @PC

I got two boards and they behave the same way.

This all works with the old G2 launchpad and rf2500 driver.

Am I doing anything wrong? What's going on?


  • That's the way mine behaved as well. It looks as though they're programmed with example msp430fr2433_1.c . (I also vaguely recall that the equivalent example program for other devices blinked at 1Hz, not 5Hz, but I haven't been keeping track.)

    The msp-expfr2433 (the board rather than the MCU) examples include something called OutOfBox_MSP430FR2433; that may be what you want to try next. It does seem that the doc is out of synch with what's really there.
  • I guessed that they might have pre-flashed the board with something else.
    But the bigger and unresolved problem is that mspdebug does not work for me (with build from slac460w). I cannot flash anything.
    Fresh version of mspdebug does not work either (
  • SLAU739 Table 4 indeed says that the Launchpad comes loaded with OutOfBox, but apparently there was a mixup.

    I just tried BlinkLED, and its behavior is (to my eye) identical to that of msp430fr2433_1.c. My suggestion was to try some firmware which is known to act differently. In my case I just changed the delay constant in msp430fr2433_1.c to see the blink rate change.

    That said, now that I look your registers do seem a bit odd. I've never tried loading a TI-TXT file with mspdebug (I haven't used mspdebug at all for many years). The reset vector in the .txt appears to be more or less correct. Do you need to do a "reset" or something to set the PC? Can you ask it to load a ".out" (ELF) file?
  • Of course I tried to load different programs, self-compiled and shipped with the examples, in ELF and TXT form, including a self-compiled `blink` example with modified delay value. Even after `erase`, LED continues to blink the same way.

    As I said, my main problem is that mspdebug does not work (but pretends to). So I cannot load anything.

    I get behavior described in my original post with mspdebug 0.22. Since then I tried the current mspdebug (0.25), with the same built from The new version of mspdebug insisted on updating the FET firmware, failed, and now the board does not blink, shows as USB type 2047:0203 and I still cannot load any programs (bricked? I still have another board).

    Bruce, you seem to get the board working, which version of mspdebug and which version of slac460 source did you use?

  • I used CCS on Windows (8.1). It did insist on upgrading the eZ-FET firmware, but in my case that encountered no difficulty. The eZ-FET is already a few years old, but the G2 Launchpad and RF2500 pre-date the eZ-FET by yet more years.

    I haven't used mspdebug for quite a long time. There are people on the Forum who know about these things, but you may not hear from them before Monday.

    Are you able to run CCS on your Linux?
  • Hello,

    Another Linux developer using mspdebug here. I'm following this with keen interest.
  • I cannot run CSS (TI says "does not work with this version of glibc, we are looking into this issue"), and I would rather not use GUI tools if I can help it.
    I found "native TI" command-line tool, that comes with its own (binary) copy of If I run it with it's included libmsp430, I have some better results:

    - On the "fresh" board, MSPFlasher suggests to upgrade FET firmware, I do *not* agree, and then it works and can successfully load programs. Yay?
    - I am reluctant to let it upgrade FET firmware lest my second board gets borked.
    - When I run MSPFlasher with the slac460w copy of libmsp430, it cannot upgrade FET FW and cannot load programs.
    - On the board that the slac460w copy of libmsp430 unsuccessfully tried to upgrade, MSPFlasher (with own libmsp430) tries to upgrade firmware, but fails. The board still does not work:

    * -----/|-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    * / |__ *
    * /_ / MSP Flasher v1.3.16 *
    * | / *
    * -----|/-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    * Evaluating triggers...done
    * Checking for available FET debuggers:
    * Corrupted USB FET firmware detected. Starting recovery.
    # Exit: 49
    # ERROR: MSP-FET / eZ-FET recovery failed
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Driver : closed (No error)
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


    MSPFlasher_1.3.16 borked my second board (I accidentally allowed it to upgrade the FET firmware).

    I installed MSPFlasher-1.3.16-linux-x64 downloaded from the TI site on a new Linux box (Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS) without any pre-existing msp430 related software. I was able to load a few example programs to the launchpad, answering 'N' to MSPFlasher's prompt to upgrade the firmware. They worked. Then, I accidentally ran it with `-s` flag, it tried to upgrade the firmware, failed, and now fails to recover it.

    First run:

    * -----/|-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    *     / |__                                                                   *
    *    /_   /   MSP Flasher v1.3.16                                             *
    *      | /                                                                    *
    * -----|/-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    * Evaluating triggers...done
    * Checking for available FET debuggers:
    * Found USB FET @ ttyACM0 <- Selected
    * Initializing interface @ ttyACM0...done
    * Checking firmware compatibility:
    * The firmware of your FET is outdated.
    * Skipped firmware update prompt.
    *  Initializing Update Bootloader.                       
    *  Programming new firmware:                             
    *  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100%# Exit: 49
    # ERROR: MSP-FET / eZ-FET core(communication layer) update failed
    * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Driver      : closed (No error)
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Subsequent attempts:

    * -----/|-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    *     / |__                                                                   *
    *    /_   /   MSP Flasher v1.3.16                                             *
    *      | /                                                                    *
    * -----|/-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    * Evaluating triggers...done
    * Checking for available FET debuggers: 
    * Corrupted USB FET firmware detected. Starting recovery.
    # Exit: 49
    # ERROR: MSP-FET / eZ-FET recovery failed
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Driver      : closed (No error)
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I even installed CCS on this box (it's an old distro so it did install), it also tries to recover the firmware, and also fails.

    This time no self-compiled or third-party software was involved, only tools downloaded directly from

    TI support, please help!!!

  • FYI, there is a beta of CCS 7.4 which does work with newer distros:

    I also ran into the corrupted FET firmware when I was going back and forth between Energia, CCS, and CCS Cloud.  One of them was able to recover it, but I honestly can't remember which.  So hopefully that means your board is not permanently bricked.

  • It turns out that that comes with CCS 4.7 'pre' managed to restore FET firmware to working state!
    Thanks Shaun!
    Still disappointing that TI rolls out software that bricks its own boards.

    $ MSP430Flasher -e ERASE_ALL
    * -----/|-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    * / |__ *
    * /_ / MSP Flasher v1.3.16 *
    * | / *
    * -----|/-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    * Evaluating triggers...done
    * Checking for available FET debuggers:
    * Corrupted USB FET firmware detected. Starting recovery.

    * Initializing Update Bootloader.
    * Programming new firmware:
    * |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100%
    * Update was successfully finished.

    * Exit Update Bootlader and reboot firmware.
    * USB FET recovery completed.
    * Found USB FET @ ttyACM0 <- Selected
    * Initializing interface @ ttyACM0...done
    * Checking firmware compatibility:
    * The firmware of your FET is outdated.
    - Would you like to update it? (Y/N): y

    * Initializing Update Bootloader.
    * Programming new firmware:
    * |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100%
    * Update was successfully finished.

    * Exit Update Bootlader and reboot firmware.
    * FET firmware is up to date.
    * Reading FW version...done
    * Setting VCC to 3000 mV...done
    * Accessing device...done
    * Reading device information...done
    * Erasing device memory...done
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Arguments : -e ERASE_ALL
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Driver : loaded
    * Dll Version : 31100001
    * FwVersion : 31100001
    * Interface : TIUSB
    * HwVersion : E 5.0
    * JTAG Mode : AUTO
    * Device : MSP430FR2433
    * EEM : Level 5, ClockCntrl 2
    * Erase Mode : ERASE_ALL
    * VCC OFF
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Powering down...done
    * Disconnecting from device...done
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Driver : closed (No error)
    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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