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EVM430-FR6047: HID Bridge connected – waiting for device

Part Number: EVM430-FR6047
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR6047, MSP-FET


I have the EVM430-FR6047 V2.0 kit. It used to work, but now it doesn't. I can connect, but it then says "HID Bridge Connected -- waiting for device"

My issue is similar to these forum posts:

But of course the solutions don't work for me. Hard to see in the picture but LED3 is red, and D202 is blinking. I believe the LED3 being red is new, but I'm not 100% sure. But if that is some error code I figured it could be useful info. Could something be damaged?

I have the USS Lib and Design Center Version, Win 7 Java 1.8.0_151.

I tried the USS Lib and Design Center V1.60.02.01 also.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Hi Samuel,

    It sounds like the HID bridge is working, but the GUI is not getting a response from the MSP430FR6047. The red LED3 indicates that no signal or low signal is detected. This makes sense if you do not have any transducers connected. Can you try re-flashing the board? The USSLib and demo application can be found at the link below.
  • Hi Eddie,

    Thanks for taking on my case. I built and uploaded the USSSWLib_template_example project from the USSLib_01_40_00_06 in CCS V7.1. I had to change the compiler from TI v17.6.0.STS to TI v16.9.3.LTS for it to compile. I loaded it and the debugger ran. I also built and loaded the release build.

    The original problem persists. LED2 and LED3 are both off now.



  • Hi Samuel,

    I apologize for the delay in response. I think you are not loading the correct application firmware to work with the GUI. Please use the link below and download the demo application. This demo application is intended to communicate with the GUI. Let me know if this fixes the problem.
  • Hi Eddie

    Thanks for your suggestions! I downloaded the "UltrasonicWaterFR6047_01_40_00_01" package and tried to open the demo application "USSLib_GUI_Demo" project for CCS. Unfortunately CCS couldn’t recognize any project in that folder. So I used the same folder name from


    where CCS was able to load the project. I don't know if these two demo applications are the same but downloading this demo app enabled the board to reconnect with the GUI.

    So that solved my problem!
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Eddie

    I am working with Samuel on the same project and I am using the EVM to get used to it at the moment. I have some new issues about the topic you discussed earlier. So you suggestet to load the demo application. I tried to open the CCS Project in this directory but CCS couldn't recognise any project in the folder. So I downloaded the image-file by using the MSP-FET programmer.


    Downloading on this way was successful, but...

    The device works properly when using the USS Design Center GUI V 1_60_02_02. Then I downloaded the new GUI (V 1_70_01_01) to try this one as well. I can make measurements (ADC capture and Waveform capture) but I can not do any configuration updates. And when I try to make a frequency sweep there is always an error message telling me that the parameter combination is not allowed.

    Do you have any idea why the system doesn't work with the new GUI version? Do I have to load an other Firmware?

    Thanks for your Support.

    Best regards
  • Dominic,

    This should work with the new version of the GUI as well.  Can you please send the configuration you are using with both versions?  You can use the save configuration button in the GUI or take screenshots of the parameters and advanced parameters tabs.

  • Hi Eddie

    I was using the default parameters of the GUI. But magically today when I was trying agan it worked! I don't know what I did differently than yesterday but it works now.

    Thank you!

    Best Regards


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