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MSP430F1121: Recommendation for upgraded BSL programmer

Part Number: MSP430F1121


I am trying to run the BSLScripter, but I am getting an error that says it cannot start because the MSVCR100D.dll is missing. Do you have a location that I can get that dll? Also is this an expected problem when using the BSLscripter?

  • Take a look at the following link from Microsoft community:
  • Hi Nicole,

    First, have you tried Mike's suggestion? Also, what operating system are you running? This should not be an expected problem, but it is likely related to the operating system that you are running the application on.

  • Hi Nathan,
    I have tried Mike's suggestion, however, it did not help. What I found is that I had to use the BSLScripter from slau655f

    I was trying to use the supporting documents from the slau535a (because I was following that process), but that required the .dll. The above listed BSLScripter is a more recent version.

  • I'm confused. According to SLAU319, the F1121 is supposed to require BSLDEMO, not Scripter. Did you actually flash it with Scripter?

    Also, I see that the new scripter is an .exe installer.  That's a disappointment.

  • Hi Nathan,
    Sorry for confusing you, I have ended up using BSLDEMO2.exe from the DEPRECATED folder for the 1121. However, I did did try to run the BSLScripter (both versions), initially with the code from slau535a I immediately got the .dll error message. However, with the code from slau655f I didn't have the error.

    I am now working BSLDEMO2.exe, but I am having a few issues that I am trying to work through there.

  • It wasn't Nathan that was confused. It was me. And now I'm even more confused:

    The BSLDEMO2 contained in the new Scripter 3.04 release has the same version number (2.02 - 2017) as the one in Scripter 3.03, and the same file size, but the files are different. The older one had the -i option to invert both DTR and RTS, but the new one no longer has that option. I don't know if there are other differences. Perhaps the newer one should be named v2.03?

    Edit:  There are no other differences.  They just removed the "inverse invoke" code added in the previous version.
    So, Nicole, you are using the G2 Launchpad and the programmed 2231 and the newest BSLDEMO2 to flash the F1121 successfully? Is that right? And you don't need the patch.txt? Just trying to keep track of what works and what doesn't.

  • Hi George,

    I am using G2 Launchpad and the programmed 2231 with BSLDEMO2.exe version 2.02 -2017, but I have also tried with version 2.00 and they both produce the same output.

    What may be causing the confusion is that I also tried to run BSLScripter (my first attempt before trying BSLDEMO2, I now know that this was mistake) without the target connected, and what I found was BSLScripter from 2012 (slaa535a) requires the MSVCR100D.dll to run, but BSLScripter from 2018 (slau655F) does not.

    So in summary, what I found was in slaa535a and slau655f,  the BSLDEMO2.exe work the same but the BSLScripter.exe files do not.

    Hope this helps to clarify.

  • Thanks very much for the clarification, Nicole.  I'm still a bit unclear about patch.txt.  From slau319, it appears you should need it because your F1121's are non-A.  Are you using patch.txt?  If so, how is it included in the command line?  Do you  just use the -a option?

  • Hi George,

    When I try with the PATCH.txt, i just use the -a option. Below are the outputs that I get both with and without using PATCH.txt.  When I use PATCH.txt, the system BSLDEMO2.exe crashes, and without PATCH.txt, I am getting errors, but BSLDEMO2.exe tries to execute. It seems  my error may be related to the programming start location, but i need some pointers to figure out why/where this is happening.

    Output with PATCH.txt

    C:\ti\BSL_Scripter\DEPRECATED\BSLDEMO>BSLDEMO2.exe -cCOM67 -aPATCH.TXT -bTest.txt

    MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.02 - 2017)

    Output without PATCH.txt

    C:\ti\BSL_Scripter\DEPRECATED\BSLDEMO>BSLDEMO2.exe -cCOM67 -bTest.txt

    MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.02 - 2017)

    Mass Erase...

    Additional mass erase cycles...

    Transmit standard password...

    BSL version: 1.10 - Family member: F112 - Process: 1040

    Load PC with 0x0C22...

    Transmit standard password...

    Load new BSL "Test.txt" into RAM at 0xF000...

    Program starting at f000, 240 bytes... Error: 0

    00 KByte ▐▌Program starting at f0f0, 90 bytes... Error: 0

    Program starting at ffe4, 4 bytes... Error: 0

    Program starting at fff0, 8 bytes... Error: 0

    Program starting at fffc, 4 bytes... Error: 0

    Verify new BSL "Test.txt"...

    Check starting at f000, 240 bytes... Error: 0

    Verification failed at f000 (ff, b2)

    ERROR: Verification failed!


  • The problem may be that you're trying to flash test.txt into ram with the -b option. Try removing the "-b", and just have "test.txt" at the end of the command line with no option prefix. It's unlikely there's any ram at 0xF000.

    The program knows to flash test.txt because the default Program Flow Specifiers are +ecpvr, and the "p" and "v" say to flash and verify the contents of the following filename. So that filename doesn't need a prefix.

    I have no experience with patch.txt or the -a option. Don't know what to suggest about that, except that 319 is pretty clear that it's mandatory for non-A F1121 parts.
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I have since tried using test.txt (with no -b option) both with and without PATCH.TXT (also without the -a option). It confirms that PATCH.TXT is needed for the Erase Check to begin. I still have the same errors as before where all my checks are starting at f000, see the console output below:

    Without PATCH.TXT

    MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.02 - 2017)
    Mass Erase...
    Additional mass erase cycles...
    Transmit standard password...
    BSL version: 1.10 - Family member: F112 - Process: 1040
    Patch for flash programming required!
    Load PC with 0x0C22...
    Transmit standard password...
    Load and verify patch "PATCH.TXT"...
    Program starting at 220, 194 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at 220, 194 bytes... Error: 0
    Erase Check by file "PATCH.TXT"...
    Check starting at 220, 194 bytes... Error: 0
    Erase Check failed at 220 (31)
    ERROR: Erase check failed!

    With PATCH.TXT

    MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.02 - 2017)
    Mass Erase...
    Additional mass erase cycles...
    Transmit standard password...
    BSL version: 1.10 - Family member: F112 - Process: 1040
    Patch for flash programming required!
    Load PC with 0x0C22...
    Transmit standard password...
    Load and verify patch "PATCH.TXT"...
    Program starting at 220, 194 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at 220, 194 bytes... Error: 0
    Erase Check by file "Test.txt"...
    Check starting at f000, 240 bytes... Error: 0
    00 KByte ▐▌Check starting at f0f0, 90 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at ffe4, 4 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at fff0, 8 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at fffc, 4 bytes... Error: 0
    Program "Test.txt"...
    Program starting at f000, 240 bytes... Error: 0
    00 KByte ▐▌Program starting at f0f0, 90 bytes... Error: 0
    Program starting at ffe4, 4 bytes... Error: 0
    Program starting at fff0, 8 bytes... Error: 0
    Program starting at fffc, 4 bytes... Error: 0
    346 bytes programmed.
    Check starting at f000, 240 bytes... Error: 0
    00 KByte ▐▌Check starting at f0f0, 90 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at ffe4, 4 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at fff0, 8 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at fffc, 4 bytes... Error: 0
    Programming completed.Prog/Verify: 1.8 sec - Over all: 3.2 sec

    Do you have any other suggestions?

    I'll probably try to post this under a new thread to see if TI will take a look.

  • It looks like the with-patch version completed successfully.  It looks like it programmed ok, and then verified ok.  That's assuming Error:0 means no errors.  I don't have a way to test the Patch thing, but I can try programming another chip and see if I get the Error:0 stuff.  And yes, I think you'll have to start a new thread to get TI to see it.

    Ok, I successfully programmed a G2553 with BSLDEMO2 (my version) and my console looks a lot like yours:

    C:\Attach>bsldemo-2.01c -cCOM4 -i -m2 -ppw.txt +aecpvr scopetest.txt
    MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.01c)
    Number of mass erase cycles set to 2.
    Read InfoA Segment...
    Transmit PSW file "pw.txt"...
    WARNING: This command might change data at address 216 or 217!
    Mass Erase...
    Additional mass erase cycles...
    Transmit standard password...
    BSL version: 2.03 - Family member: 2553 - Process: 0060
    Erase Check by file "scopetest.txt"...
    Check starting at c000, 142 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at ffde, 2 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at fff2, 2 bytes... Error: 0
    Check starting at fffe, 2 bytes... Error: 0
    Program "scopetest.txt"...
    Program starting at c000, 142 bytes... Error: 0
    Program starting at ffde, 2 bytes... Error: 0
    Program starting at fff2, 2 bytes... Error: 0
    Program starting at fffe, 2 bytes... Error: 0
    148 bytes programmed.
    Verify... already done during programming.
    Restore InfoA Segment...
    Program starting at 10c0, 64 bytes... Error: 0
    Programming completed.Prog/Verify: 0.7 sec - Over all: 1.9 sec


    So it looks to me like you've got it done.  Where do you see an error?


  • Hi George,

    Thanks for trying this. I thought the Error:0 was an error, from your output it seems this should be ok. my only other concern is the 00KB. I'll check my hardware outputs tomorrow.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi George,

    I did successfully program the part. Error:0 does not mean there is an error. Thanks again for all your help

    Best Regards,

    Now on to the next problem.
  • That's great, Nicole. Isn't it nice when things work.

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