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BOOSTXL-AUDIO: help in coding

Expert 1165 points

Hello, I'm using MSP- EXP430FR5994 and BOOSTXL-AUDIO. I want to generate a voice output everytime a switch is pressed. The output of the audio has three sources: (1)DAC on the BOOSXL-Audio;(2)DAC on the Launchpad(MSP430FR5994 don't have DAC);(3)PWM from the Launchpad.  I referred TIDM-VOICEBANDAUDIO  for programming but I couldn't open the .jar file for Audio Loading GUI. I downloaded jarfix and even tried to open with command prompt but none of that is working. 

I don't know how to start programming for audio output, I referred to few more document as Interfacing an I2S Device to an MSP430 Device and tried few example software, but I'm more confused. Can I get some help how should I start programming? What are the available audio library?

  • To "run" a .jar file, you need to have a Java Virtual Machine installed. Before you begin, I would recommend you uninstall anything you installed before like "jarfix".
    To download the Java Virtual Machine to run the .jar file, Go to
    Once the JVM is installed, you should be able to just double click the .jar to run it.
  • Thank you so much for your reply, it worked. so i should modify the payback code to make it work on MSP- EXP430FR5994 and BOOSTXL-AUDIO or by changing the target configuration works?
  • I am not familiar with BOOSTXL-AUDIO.
    Another team member should be able to help you with this. I would recommend that you click on my previous reply as solved the problem and create a new thread for your next specific question about BOOSTXL-AUDIO.

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