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Hello, I recent obtained the MSP432E401Y launchpad. I have been successful in using the top usb to debug and flash the microprocessor. My issues deals with connecting to the USB near the ethernet jack. I flashed the launchpad with the USB demo software usbDevMouse however the USB is never connecting to the computer. Moreover I moved JP1 to the center pins and I still receive no power from powering through the USB. I connected both usbs to the computer to hopefully power with the debug usb and perform the software through the bottom one, however still my computer does not pick it up. I am running Windows 10.
Is there some extra step I am missing to unlock this functionality on my computer or are there any other jumpers I need to configure to receive power? Thank you.
Hi Daniel,
Are all the jumpers connected on the J101 block, especially the GNC, 5V and 3V jumpers. This jumper block provides the power to the USB section of the Launchpad. J1 block jumper can be either on the 5v-xds or 5v-otg.
If you are running the usbDevMouse example, then when you connect both the usb cables to the Windows 10 computer, the mouse should automatically move in a circle on the screen. If you don't see the mouse move can you tell me if you see the VID/PID of 0x1cb3 and 0x0002 in the HID section of Device Manager or LED D2 light up? What version of SDK did you download the example from?
Are you using CCS or IAR to download the example to the MSP432E401 device? After you download the example does the debugger stop at Main before you hit Run button?
Hello Arthi
attached is the jumper setup for the launchpad. J101 have been left on. I should specify that I can power through the USB connected to the JTAG. The issue I have is centered towards the second USB on the bottom. Even with the J1 set in the middle for 5v-otg. I downloaded SDK version When connected to the OTG USB there is no power, when connected to the JTAG USB for power and OTG USB for the software the only light that lights up is the powerlight near the JTAG port. I receive no confirmation that it attached to my computer, nothing shows up on the device manager other than the two ports for XDS110 from the JTAG USB. I ran the program with the debugger and the code hangs at while(!g_bConnected) loop. This leads me to believe that the computer is never recognizing the connection with the OTG USB port. I assume the drivers for the OTG USB port should automatically download to the system. Are there any additional steps to establishing a connection from the OTG USB port to the rest of the launchpad?
Well, maybe you have a bad board. Can you at least get the blinky example working? You can download the example from here
What operating system are you connecting the device to?
I'm running on a Windows 10 O.S. Blinky flashed correctly and is working fine. All the issues seem to be only relate to the otg-USB. Everything else seems operational.
Well, you might just have a bad board. The Blinky example does not use the USB stack. I just wanted to make sure that the power from the XDS110 USB connection was coming through to the device side of the board. The USB part of the board might not be working properly. Maybe the crystal is bad. It is surprising that after you downloaded the mouse example and you connected up both the USB cables (XDS110 USB and OTG-USB) to the Windows 10 that you see only the XDS110 ports in Device Manager and nothing of the HID mouse under either the Other section or HID section of Device Manager.
Maybe you can try downloading some other USB device side example like this one:
I've tried with the the keyboard device example and I still receive the same error. The program hangs on while(!g_bConnected) loop. What are the steps I can take to get my board replaced?
Hello Daniel Cruz is my student. It appears we have a bad board. How can we get this replaced
Well, maybe contact the original seller/distributor of your board? If you got it from TI, maybe you can contact TI customer support.
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