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MSP430FR2433: About the method of DCO optimization in extremely cold environment

Part Number: MSP430FR2433

Hi community member,

I have the following questions about the "DCO" and "FLL" of MSP430FR2433 .

The customer's application is considered to be used from normal temperature environment to extremely cold environment (around -30°C).
Since the environmental temperature changes, DCO software trim is implemented. (Refer to msp430fr243x_cs7.c)

However, when the MSP430FR2433 is active mode from reset state in a very cold environment (around -30 ° C), the DCO tap will reach the maximum value of 511 at DCO initialization.


  1. When the MSP430 runs in Active mode at all times, what is the recommended frequency of software trimming for the DCO?
  2. Please tell me the best initialization method when releasing the microcomputer reset under extremely cold environment.
  3. In a very cold environment, is it also necessary to change DCORSEL?

It is set as follows in DCO initialization.

  • DCO frequency: 4.9125 MHz
  • DCORSEL: 2

Best regards.

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