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MSP430FR2355: HART Communication using MSP430's SAC DAC

Genius 5840 points
Part Number: MSP430FR2355
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8740H, DAC8830, MSP430FR5969, OPA333, OPA335


I would like to implement HART communication using UART and SAC-DAC of MSP430FR2355.

Is it possible?

Are there any reference designs?

Are there any customers who develop HART communication application using SAC-DAC signal of MSP430FR2355?



  • Hello,

    This is a great question and potential use case for the FR2355 device! As of right now, we do have a TI design showcasing a 4 - 20mA current loop solution with the FR2355. That document can be found below:

    Implementing HART communication is something that I am going to reach out to my team about to get a more detailed answer. It may be possible to integrate parts of the HART communication with the FR2355, but I'd like to get a second opinion on this.

    I will be gone on vacation until Thursday of next week, so I will provide an update then.



  • Hi U-SK,

    While it might be possible to implement the HART modem in software, we don't have any references at the moment.

    In addition to the TI Design TIDM-01000 mentioned by Mitch above, TIDA-01504  might also be a good resource. It uses a DAC8740H as a HART modem connected to a MSP430FR5969; and while it uses a DAC8830+OPA333 to drive 4-20mA, perhaps this portion can be replaced by the internal SAC in MSP430FR2355.

    I hope this helps, but please let us if you have any further comments or questions.


    Luis R

  • Hi Luis R,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Is my following understanding correct?

    -> In TIDA1504, it might be possible that MSP430FR2355 work as DAC8740H + DAC8830 + OPA333 + OPA335 

    Are there any possible problems?



  • Hi U-SK,

    U-SK said:

    Is my following understanding correct?

    -> In TIDA1504, it might be possible that MSP430FR2355 work as DAC8740H + DAC8830 + OPA333 + OPA335 

    Are there any possible problems?

    In theory, that is correct; however, TIDA-01504 is mostly showing how to implement the portion of the DAC8830 + OPA333.

    While it is possible to replace the functionality of DAC8740H, this would require the implementation of a software HART modulator/demodulator, which is more complicated and would require more software.

    Finally, I believe that the OPA335 could be replaced by one of the remaining SAC OpAmps.


    Luis R

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