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MSP432P401V: Startup and System files for 401V and 401R

Part Number: MSP432P401V


I am working on a custom board which has the msp432p401V on board.To understand things better,I started my development with the  msp432p401R launchpad and created an example which works fine at 48MHz clock.I changed my example to use the startup,icf and system files for the 401V , changed the defines and made sure everything compiles.When I run the example, it seems to be getting the wrong clock frequency.Instead of using the 48MHz DCO, for some reason it thinks I am using the _LFXTCLK instead of _DCOCLK. This behaviour is only seen for 48MHz clock. If I use 24MHz, it seems to work fine.Also I tried swapping the 401v files with 401r files and it works perfectly fine there for the 48MHz. Is is ok to use the 401r system,icf and startup files for 401v processor? Any ideas why I am seeing this behavior?

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