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MSP432E401Y: Controlling SOP pins of IWR6843 using the MSP432E401Y MCU Launchpad.

Part Number: MSP432E401Y
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVEICBOOST, , SYSCONFIG, IWR6843, IWR6843ISK


I am trying to control the SOP pins on the mmwaveICBOOST using the MSP432E401Y MCU Launchpad, so I can directly go into functional and flashing modes without manually controlling the SOP jumper settings. To start with, I established a UART connection between launchpad and mmwaveICBOOST, which is working fine.

I looked into the schematics and the pins 15,17, and 19 on the J6 correspond to SOP0, SOP1, and SOP2 pins, respectively, which means if I want to control them using MSP432E4 launchpad then the corresponding GPIO pins on the launchpad are PL1, PL2, and PL3. When I tried to configure these three GPIO pins using sysconfig tool, it gives me the warning that ''these pins are also connected to mini-USB connector, so select it in 'Use hardware' field''. However, If I go to the 'Use Hardware' field, I only see user switches and launchpad LEDs there.

1). I am new to the sysconfig tool, is there a way we can change the default GPIO pins configurations? 

2). Also, is this warning an issue if I configure the same pins (PL1-3) to control the IWR6843?

Anyways, I went ahead and sent the ON signal to PL3 to make the IWR6843ISK go into the functional mode. I verified that the signal is coming on these PL pins but when I remove all three jumpers OFF on the SOP pins of the mmwaveIC BOOST, and try to control the IWR6843 through these GPIO pins (PL1-3), the stored program (mmwave demo) on the IWR6843 does not run. 

 Please find the MUX settings on the switch (S1) to enable the 40 pin interface.

From this below schematics, I can see these MCU_SOP pins can bypass the the SOP jumper settings and it should work. Is there any hardware changes, we need to do (like changing resistor values) to make it work?

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I have forwarded your question to the team member. Please be aware that it may take a few working days for us to address your issue.

    Thanks for your patience.


  • Hi,

    For changing the sysconfig pin configurations, what you have done already for the MSP432E4 GPIO pins is correct. Simply add a GPIO, assign it to the desired pin, and rebuild.

    Not sure why that sysconfig warning is present. PL1-3 should be unused by the onboard hardware. Looking at the MSP432E4 launchpad schematic, PL6 and PL7 are used for the user microUSB port, but not the rest of the PL GPIOs. I am able to use those GPIOs without issues on my setup, so you should be able to ignore that warning and use them for setting the SOP state on the mmwave device.

    I do not have a mmWave device that I can test with to see why setting the SOP pins from the MSP432E4 doesn't work. I have brought this thread to the attention of a team member with that knowledge to address your issue there.



  • HI,

    Please see page 19 of the schematics.

    MCU_SOPx pins are connected to the mux U27. From the picture of the MMWAVEICBOOST you share you have S.11 ON which means its routed to FTDI instead of J6. Please move that to the off position and try again.

    Also make sure you pay attention to the mux switch settings for other signals needed for your application.


    Charles O

  • Hi,

    I think the reset pins of the both boards are connected and when I reset the mmwave device, MSP432E4 also resets and takes some time to turn on the GPIO pin PL3 and mmwave sensor does not find the recommended SOP settings meanwhile and go into the unrecognized state. When I destack both boards and give power independently with unconnected reset pins, then it sees the recommended SOP settings for the functional mode and configures the sensor properly.

    Thanks for the help,


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