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MSP430FR2000: Disable FRAM Cache

Part Number: MSP430FR2000


Can the MSP430FR2000 FRAM cache be disabled? 

If not, how do you generate code that can run with consistent timing, such as delays?



  • I guess that you can copy function to RAM and execute it there.

  • The cache timing matters only if you have enabled wait states to operate at higher speeds than the FRAM supports.

    So operate at clock speeds low enough so you don't need wait states or use the timers.

  • That's correct.

    To clarify:

    Cache can't be disabled. The cache is 4 lines of 64bits each, so in theory, it is possible to execute without Cache hits (i.e. loops, jumps, etc must be larger than cache), but this might be complicated.

    The limit for FRAM is 8MHz. Below that frequency, no wait states are needed so the execution will depend on CPU frequency, whether code is executed from RAM, FRAM or Cache.

    Wait states are needed above 8MHz.. Execution from FRAM will be limited by wait states, while RAM and Cache can run at the maximum CPU frequency.

    So, running below 8MHz, or executing critical sections in RAM might be the best options.


    Luis R

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