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EVM430-FR6989: FlowESIGUI SW crash

Part Number: EVM430-FR6989
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR6989

Hello team,

My customer is having the following problem with the

He is trying to use the FlowESIGUI software with the EVM430-FR6989 and after trying to connect the SW crash:

And this is the console error:

d:\ti\msp430\FlowESIGUI_1_01_00_04\FlowMeter>java -jar FlowESIGUI.jar
04.14 17:26:39 Opening log file: C:\Users\oscargomezf\DesignCenter\DesignCenter.log
04.14 17:27:04 Workspace set to D:\SVN\hidroconta\trunk\fw

04.14 17:27:11 Importing D:\SVN\hidroconta\trunk\fw\HC_ESI_EVM430_FR6989\DesignCenter.ser

Want vid 2047, pid 965 serial 2128601152 device 0
Checking vid 46D, pid C52B serial 0 device 2
Checking vid 46D, pid C52B serial 0 device 2
Checking vid 46D, pid C52B serial 0 device 2
Checking vid 46D, pid C52B serial 0 device 1
Checking vid 46D, pid C52B serial 0 device 1
Checking vid 46D, pid C52B serial 0 device 1
Checking vid 2047, pid 965 serial 2139514016 device 0
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# Connected to device VID: 8263 PID: 2405

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000069843037, pid=6724, tid=7300
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (15.0.2+7) (build 15.0.2+7-27)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (15.0.2+7-27, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, windows-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C [HidCommunicationManager64.dll+0x3037]
# No core dump will be written. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# d:\ti\msp430\FlowESIGUI_1_01_00_04\FlowMeter\hs_err_pid6724.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

Do you have anysuggestion?

Best regards.

  • Hi,

    I do not have much clue here. You might let customer try to download the latest Java and install to check if it can solve the issue.

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • Hello Cash,

    Thanks for your support, apparently the utilization guide wasn't followed as expressed in the user's guide:

    We create a CCS project through the FlowESI GUI, as we show in the video Training FlowESI  -> We import this project to CCS, as shown in Import Project CCS -> We upload the project to the MSP430FR6989 through the EZ-FET: with jumpers in EZ-FET -> Later, we can monitor the MSP430FR6989 through the FlowESI GUI IDE with the jumpers in the Communication Bridge position, as it also appears in the video.

    • Program through EZ-FET: The EZ-FET is an on-board emulator for the target MCU. It allows direct interfacing to PC for easy programming and debugging. It also provides a USB-to-UART bridge for serial connection to the target MCU. The EZ-FET programs the target MCU through the Spy-Bi-Wire interface. To program the target MCU, connect pin 1-2 (TEST_SBW) and pin 3-4 (RST_SBW) of J102, and pin 1-2 (GND) and pin 3-4 (3V3) of J401.
    • Communication Bridge: The communication bridge is a USB-HID device for controlling and monitoring the target MCU using the FlowESI GUI. The target MCU communicates with the communicate bridge by UART channel:
      • To connect the target MCU and the communication bridge, connect pin 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 of J601. The COMM MCU can be reset by pressing button S201.
      • To enable USB-to-UART serial connection, also connect pin 5-6 (EZ_RXD) and pin 7-8 (EZ_TXD) of the J402. The EZ_RXD and EZ_TXD connect to P4.3/UCA0RXD and P4.2/UCA0TXD of the MSP430FR6989 respectively

    Now that this is solved, can you provide the USB / UART driver that this evaluation board uses or do you know where I can find it?

    I think the customer doesn’t have the same USB / UART driver installed and this is causing incompatibility problems.


  • Hi,

    If it is the USB/UART problem, the GUI or CCS should reported "Can not find the device". Does your customer got that message?

    You can use thrid-party driver software to reinstall the MSP driver on your customer's computer. You can also try with this one.

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

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