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MSP-FET: Error connecting to the target: Unknown device

Part Number: MSP-FET
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F169, UNIFLASH, , MSP-FLASHER

Hi !

Unfortunately, I am no electronic or software expert, nor I have the electrical diagram for the board I'm supposed to test.

I am encountering an error when I try to flash / reset a MSP430F169 on a custom board, with the MSP-FET device and UniFlash v6.3.0:

The device is detected when I search for devices, but then I can't do anything : can't erase / flash / read memory etc... without having the error message "Unknown device".

Strangely it is working fine with an older model of MSP-FET (MSP-FET430UIF). In both case I use the same custom board, same MSP430F169, same 14-pins cable between MSP-FET and board, and computer, the only thing that differs is the MSP-FET itself and its USB cable (which is a micro-USB vs a USB-B for the older one).

The two devices :

So far, I tried to:

  • Update my drivers for MSP-FET
  • Use a different USB-cable
  • Install UniFlash on another computer
  • Use another custom board with the same components
  • Use the other 14-pins cable between board and MSP-FET
  • Connect the MSP-FET to the board with another software (FET-Pro430 from Elprotronic), which works with the new FET but the software is not free and less user friendly than UniFlash
  • Attempt to update the MSP-FET firmware with FET-Pro430, which didn't work (firmware is v3.12 while it says v3.15 is available, but the update can't finish).

From other threads about this issue, it seems to come from a wrong JTAG connection, between FET and MSP430. What puzzles me is that it's working with the older FET without changing the cables or the board and its components.

Thank you for your help !

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