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EK-TM4C1294XL: Bootloader examples

Part Number: EK-TM4C1294XL


I am trying to learn about the bootloader using this link:

[Resolved] How to run boot_serial, boot_demo1 and boot_demo2 together - Other microcontrollers forum - Other microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums

Here are the steps I tried:

1. Built boot_serial and used the flash button from CCS to download the bin file to EK-1294NCPDTXL

2. Built boot_demo 1 and used the flash button from CCS to download the bin file to the EK.

3. LED1 D1 starts blinking. I push the reset button SW1 on the EK and D1 stops blinking.

4. I use LM Flash programmer in manual configuration mode with serial UART interface,

autobaud support disabled. I try to flash boot_demo2.bin with program

address offset 0x4000. All erase buttons in the LM flash programmer are disabled in

this configuration. 

The Flash programmer is failing to establish communication with the EK.

Why is this? Please explain so I can begin using the bootloader.



  • Hi Priya,

      I think the problem is in your step 2. After you load the boot_serial in step 1 using JTAG, you should not use the CCS to load the boot_demo1. When you do this, the CCS by default will first erase the entire flash before it programs the boot_demo1 program. Once the boot_demo1 is running and when it needs to jump back to the bootloader after you press SW1, the bootloader is no longer there. You should do like below. 

      1 Load the boot_serial to the flash using CCS or LM flash programmer.

       2. Run the boot_serial program. 

       3. In LM flash programmer change to manual mode to select UART bootloading. Make sure you select the correct COM port. Go to the Windows device manager to find out which COM port is enumerated. Another important thing is to make sure in your Port setting for the COM port in your Windows, it has the matching baudrate which is 115200, no parity and 1 stop bit. Below COM11 is for my machine. Your machine will have a different COM port. 

     4 Go the program tab and make sure enter the correct offset address which is 0x4000. Hit the program button and you will see the transfer starts and finished with the number of bytes transferred in the bottom. 

    5. You can press the reset button on the board.. You should see the LED blinking. 

    6. Press the SW1. The LED should stop blinking as it has jumped to the bootloader

    7. Go to step 4 again and hit the program button to load another program like the boot_demo2