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DRV8350: DRV8350

Part Number: DRV8350


with DRV8350SRTVR  drive Motor,  VDRAIN / VM =48V

MCU send cmd to drive motor,when working at a high current (about several second,   VCP =57V), the driver occur return GDUV error ,and motor stop(VCP=47.2V)

Reset power , GDUV error would return again when MCU send drive cmd (this time motor could not run anymore,  and VCP=47.2V).  Have no found any resistance abnormal at 8350 chip

By this phenomenon, could you give me any suggestions?



  • Hi Hiram,

    Thanks for posting on the MD forum. 

    Can you please share your schematic so I can further help you debug? Also, what IDRIVE setting are you using?



  • Hi Michael

    thanks for reply!

    IDRIVE working at default setting, from datasheet  the drive strength are    IDRIVEP=1000mA  /  IDRIVEN=2000mA

    Schematic as below pictures,  the picture 1 shows DRV8350 chip config and picture 2 shows motor drive interface (  Phase A/B/C are all same . while NC means the component not mounted)

    Further more, we have measure the GDUV error damaged chip  , VGLS pin ref GND resistance  is about 120K, while normal is 850K 

    Picture 1

    Picture 2

  • Hi Michael

     picture1  is VGLS pin waveform when GDUV error occured,have a drop to 5.25V 

    picture 2 is  VGLS  after power reset,   MCU send drive motor cmd again,it can not pump to 14~15V voltage level anymore.

    Picture 1 

    picture 2

  • Hi Hiram,

    This looks like the same schematic as in Annie's question:

    I have some things for you to try:

    1. You should not be using IDRIVE source greater than 100 mA based on the rating of these MOSFETs (see this FAQ)
    2. The VGLS capacitor is grounded to GND, not PGND. VGLS needs to be grounded to PGND since that is the same GND as VM and the MOSFETs. DRV8350 GND pin (30) should also be tied to PGND.
    3. How are GND and PGND connected on the PCB? I recommend the connection be as close to the DRV8350 as possible.

