Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , TEST2, DRV8231A, DRV8870, DRV8231
I'm trying to use the VREF pin to set the current regulation level with the DRV8251:
I'm holding IN1 high, and IN2 Low and using the VREF analog input to set the current regulation level.
1) When using a coil that only has 215uH of inductance, the current level was always at full scale and did not respond to the VREF signal.
2) When I used another coil with about 3.6mH, the current regulation responded and tracked the VREF pin, but there was a minimum current of about 200mA. It only responded to the VREF signal ABOVE 200mA.
1) Is this expected behavior?
2) What is the minimum coil inductance for VREF current regulation? The data sheet does not mention minimum inductance (unless I missed it).
3) Why is there a minimum current of about 200mA when using the VREF current regulation? Is this normal? Again, I don't think the data sheet mentions this. Section 7.3 "Recommended Operation Conditions" lists the VREF voltage range as 0-5V. It makes no mention that the device just ignores all voltages under 200mA.