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TIDA-010015 Does not start at full load when suddenly power is applied (100V AC)

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-010015, UCC28064A


We are designing power supply using TIDA-010015 reference design. 

We are facing one issue this time. @ 110V AC , DC Load>10A when ac input is suddenly applied, smps goes in hiccup mode.

We played with ISENS ,CS resistors, filter capacitors around, but no success.

But if we start from load 9A  or less and then gradually increase the load up to 20A every thing works normal.

Even @230V AC and Full load when suddenly power is applied it works fine. 

What could be wrong?


Pravin Khisti

  • Hi Pravin,

    I will need more information to help you.

    1. Which controller do you observe going into hiccup (or burst) mode, the UCC25630 or UCC28064A?

    2. When it enters into this hiccup state, how long does it take to recover (or does it remain in that state)?

    3. Your design is based on the TIDA-010015 reference design, please explain any changes you may have made from the TIDA-010015 schematic. It would be more helpful if you would share your actual schematic (you can obscure identifying information)

    4. Scope waveforms would be very helpful. If this is the UCC28064A controller, the current signal through L1 & L6 showing the response as the input is applied.  Include Vcomp and VINAC.  If you can't capture IL1 & IL6, then please provide VDS for L1 & L6 triggering on the falling edge near the bottom of the waveform.  The more waveforms, the better.



  • Hi Ray,

    1. Which controller do you observe going into hiccup (or burst) mode, the UCC25630 or UCC28064A?

    - 28064A

    2. When it enters into this hiccup state, how long does it take to recover (or does it remain in that state)?

    -It remains in Hiccup state

    3. Your design is based on the TIDA-010015 reference design, please explain any changes you may have made from the TIDA-010015 schematic. It would be more helpful if you would share your actual schematic (you can obscure identifying information)

    -We are using UCC256402A. We have made all relevant changes required for this change using excel calculation sheet.

      I can share schematic to email ID, can you please share ?

    4. Scope waveforms would be very helpful. If this is the UCC28064A controller, the current signal through L1 & L6 showing the response as the input is applied.  Include Vcomp and VINAC.  If you can't capture IL1 & IL6, then please provide VDS for L1 & L6 triggering on the falling edge near the bottom of the waveform.  The more waveforms, the better.

     - For current we do not have current probe, other information I will share as earliest.

    Thanks and Regards


  • Hi Pravin,

    I confirmed that I'm working on this same issue with your colleague in this thread:

    I'm going to close this thread and continue with the existing thread as having two different threads on the same topic will not be as efficient.  Please collaborate with Vivek and consolidate into the above thread.



  • Hi Ray,

    He is on a week and half days holiday, so I took it further his work.

    He will not be able to reply you if you need some data.

