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TPS56637: The stability at light load

Part Number: TPS56637

Hi team

My customer has found the thread below, which mentioned something about TPS56637 being unstable at light load.

According to the answer made back then the original silicon had this issue but was then resolved by a newer version. Is the current available part safe to be used at light load?(around 50mA)


  • Hi David,

    The silicon mentioned in the thread with "x" top marking is not released silicon sold on market. It's pre-RTM (released to market) silicon.

    The pre-RTM silicon are used as customer samples for some engaged customers to verify basic performance earlier before device mass production. They are not sold on market.

    Customer is not able to buy pre-RTM sample from TI. So don't worry about it.

    TPS56637 is safe to be used at light load.

