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CSD95496QVM: Some issue about CSD95496QVM

Part Number: CSD95496QVM

Dear Expert,

The attachment is our test data, if you have a few questions, please help to answer, thank you!
1. There is no label on the Vds transient negative pressure manual. Does our waveform meet the specifications?
2. After the DRMOS input 0402 filter capacitor is removed, the Vds has little effect. After removing a 22uF capacitor, the Vds increases significantly, but it still does not exceed the specification of 20V.
3. When the 1-phase output is changed to two-phase output, the HS Vds generally decreases, but the LS Vds increases. Please help explain the reason and assess the risk, thank you!


test method:


Many Thanks,


  • Hi Jimmy,

    Thank you for your questions. Please allow me some time to review your data and answer your questions. I will get back to you by Monday, 11/14.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jimmy,

    1. Can you please further explain this question? What do you mean by 'Vds transient negative pressure manual'?

    2. You mention that you are removing Vds caps. This sounds like you are removing Vin caps to the powerstage. Please confirm that DRMOS is the powerstage.

    If DRMOS is the powerstage, you probably do not see much of a change to Vds because the spikes are happening at a frequency too high for your probe. Removing the bulk cap, 22uF cap, has a greater impact since it is less capable of smoothing the high frequency but better at low frequency. Regardless, we do not recommend removing any of the Vin/Vds caps of the powerstage. This will cause instability with the powerstage. Please refer to the recommended schematic in the datasheet.

    3. HS Vds will decrease when in 2 phase since the total load per powerstage is lowered.

    Best Regards,
